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The Little Book of Moon Magic Working with the power of the lunar cycles

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-03-29
  • Publisher: Piatkus
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Connect with the magic and mystique of the moon's power

The Little Book of Moon Magic will show you how to maximise potent lunar energy at the most auspicious times, to make your life what you truly want it to be. From wishing on the new moon and manifesting success, to knowing when to attract new romance, this guide reveals how to go with the flow of the moon to bring you the happiness you seek.

This book also reveals how to track and utilise astrological lunar cycles throughout the year for self-improvement, work with moon goddess rituals for positive empowerment, as well as discover how your moon-sign determines your moods, comfort zones, emotional needs, and so much more.

This is a book for all those wishing to deepen their connection with nature and take their spiritual practice to a new level.

Author Biography

After studying for an Art degree at Middlesex University, Sarah Bartlett went on to become a consultant astrologer, first training at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, and then acquiring the Diploma in Psychological Astrology at the CPA, an in-depth 3-year professional training programme which cross-fertilizes the fields of astrology, mythology and depth, humanistic and transpersonal psychology.

She is the author of over twenty mainstream non-fiction books, including the best-selling The Little Book of Practical Magic, Tarot Bible and The National Geographic's Guide to Supernatural Places, and has been astrologer for the London Evening Standard, as well as many women's magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Spirit and Destiny. She contributes as astrologer to BBC Radio 2 is one of the founding members of www.theastrologyroom.com where she provides both weekly content and a consultation service.

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