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  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Trade Paper
  • Copyright: 2004-03-01
  • Publisher: Games Workshop
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Torben Badenov and his ill-fated band of mercenaries have adventures against the backdrop of the siege of Middenheim

Author Biography

Jonathan Green works as a full-time teacher in West London. By night he relates tales of Torben Badenov's Kislevite mercenaries and the adventures of the Underhive bounty hunter Nathan Creed for Inferno! magazine. The first things he got paid to write were adventure gamebooks for Puffin. (He has the dubious honour of having written the last in the Fighting Fantasy series.) He became one of the Emperor's scribes in 1994, contributing colour text to some of the old Warhammer Army Books and 40K Codices. He has since penned a number of articles for White Dwarf and an ever-growing number of shortstories for the Black Library

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