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Mansfield Park

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-04-11
  • Publisher: Canterbury Classics

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Social class, friendship, and morality meet in a tangled web that only love can unweave.

Jane Austen's novel Mansfield Park, first published in 1814, tells the story of young Fanny Price, who is sent to live with her wealthy relatives, the Bertrams, at the age of ten. As she grows up, she develops deep feelings for her cousin Edmund Bertram, the only person at Mansfield Park who shows her true kindness. When the Bertram family is thrown into scandal and disorder, Fanny and Edmund must overcome the chaos around them so they can come to terms with the affection that they have for one another. A classic story that deals with social structures, friendship, morality, and love, Mansfield Park is now available in a handsome Word Cloud Classics edition, making it a treasured addition to any reader's bookshelf.

Author Biography

Born December 16, 1775, Jane Austen is one of the most celebrated authors of the English language. Her fiction is known for its witty satires on English society. Austen wrote anonymously during her life and wasn't widely recognized as a great English writer until after her death in 1817.

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