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Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 8th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-01-31
  • Publisher: MCGRAW

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Supplemental Materials

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The eighth edition of Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach, concentrates on marketing decision-making, rather than mere description of marketing phenomena. By providing specific tools and decision frameworks, it prepares its readers to hit the ground running and contribute tangibly to the marketing efforts of firms large and small. Drawing on its authors' wealth of entrepreneurial and executive experience, along with their thought-leading research, the book provides an abundance of real-life examples of marketing decisions both good and not-so-good from around the world in companies ranging from entrepreneurial start-ups to multi-national giants. This edition continues to be the most current and internet-savvy book available, injecting the latest developments in internet-based communication and distribution technology into every chapter.

Table of Contents

Section 1: The Role of Marketing in Developing Successful Business Strategies
Chapter 1: The Marketing Management Process
Chapter 2: The Marketing Implications of Corporate and Business Strategies

Section 2: Market Opportunity Analysis
Chapter 3: Understanding Market Opportunities
Chapter 4: Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior
Chapter 5: Understanding Organizational Markets and Buying Behavior
Chapter 6: Measuring Market Opportunities: Forecasting and Market Knowledge
Chapter 7: Targeting Attractive Market Segments
Chapter 8: Differentiation and Brand Positioning

Section 3: Developing Strategic Marketing Programs
Chapter 9: Business Strategies: A Foundation for Marketing Program Decisions
Chapter 10: Product Decisions
Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions
Chapter 12: Distribution Channel Decisions
Chapter 13: Integrated Promotion Decisions

Section 4: Strategic Marketing Programs for Selected Situations
Chapter 14: Marketing Strategies for a Digitally Networked World
Chapter 15: Strategies for New and Growing Markets
Chapter 16: Strategies for Mature and Declining Markets

Section 5: Implementing and Controlling Marketing Programs
Chapter 17: Organizing and Planning for Effective Implementation
Chapter 18: Measuring and Delivering Marketing Performance


Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?

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