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Mastering ESL/EFL Methods Differentiated Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2015-01-08
  • Publisher: Pearson

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This guide gives current and future educators practical help for rediscovering the value, potential, richness, and adventure of a diverse classroom—while developing the capacity to professionally address the differential learning and transition needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. Ideal for pre- and in-service teachers, district and building administrators, school specialists, and paraprofessionals, it presents the latest tools, procedures, strategies, and ideas for ensuring effective teaching and learning for students of any native language. Included are new ways to reach and maximize relationships with parents, caregivers, and extended family members by partnering with them in appropriate pedagogical practices. The new Third Edition of Mastering ESL/EF Methods includes illustrated concepts; global connections; tips for practice in the EFL classroom; a revised framework for the conceptual definitions of approach method, strategy, and technique; an expanded Glossary; interactive video links; a revised discussion of dual language programs; and an overview of program model effectiveness. The Enhanced Pearson eText features embedded video.


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Author Biography

Dr. Socorro Herrera is a professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education at Kansas State University and directs the Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy (CIMA). Her K-12 teaching experience includes an emphasis on literacy development and her research focuses on literacy opportunities with culturally and linguistically diverse students (CLD), reading strategies, and teacher preparation for diversity in the classroom. Dr. Herrera has authored 6 textbooks and numerous articles for publication in journals such as the Bilingual Research Journal, Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, Journal of Research in Education, Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, and the Journal of Latinos and Education. In addition to her writing, Dr. Herrera conducts multi-state and international professional development on issues related to teacher preparation for pre-service teachers, biography-driven instruction, and classroom accommodations for CLD students.


Dr. Kevin Murry is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education at Kansas State University and Director of Research and Development for the Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy (CIMA). His scholarship has emphasized the professional development of general education teachers for the assets/needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. Dr. Murry's recent research and publication have emphasized teacher readiness for best practice with CLD students, culturally responsive teaching, as well as the cross-cultural dynamics of critically reflective teaching. In addition to his textbook and chapter publications, he has contributed articles to journals such as Cultural Studies in Science Education, the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, and the Journal of Teaching and Learning.

Table of Contents

About the Authors         



Part One

Hallmarks of Accommodative Instruction             


Chapter  1

Multidimensional Foundations of Methods for CLD Students     

Chapter  2

Cognitive and Academic Dimensions of Methods for CLD Students          

Chapter  3

Linguistic Dimension of Methods for CLD Students         


Part Two

Accommodation Readiness      


Chapter  4

Changing Perspectives in Platform Development for Instructional Methods        

Chapter  5

A Framework of Accommodation Readiness    


Part Three

Professionalism in Practice         


Chapter  6

Planning and Grounding Instructional Methodology       

Chapter  7

The Integrated Content-Based Method of Instruction   

Chapter  8

The Sheltered Method of Instruction    

Chapter  9

The CALLA Method of Instruction            

Chapter  10

Achieving Standards-Driven Professional Practice   



Appendix A       

Appendix B        



Name Index      

Subject Index   

Supplemental Materials

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