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Mathematics All Around

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 6th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2017-01-01
  • Publisher: Pearson
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For courses in liberal arts mathematics.


Given their widely varying backgrounds, students in Liberal Arts Math often enter the course with math anxiety. Pirnot’s Mathematics All Around offers the supportive and patient writing style that students need to overcome that apprehension, developing useful skills through realistic applications that can be seen in the world around them. Relevant and approachable, the author’s tone resembles the support students would receive during an instructor’s office hours. The author emphasizes a problem-solving approach, reinforcing problem-solving methods and how to apply them throughout the text. The 6th Edition keeps students engaged with updated real-world applications, while also providing more support as they learn with new measurable objectives, revised exercise sets, significant enhancements to each chapter, as well as a new student Workbook.


Also available with MyLab Math.

MyLab™ Math is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and engage with media resources to help them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.


Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.


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0134468929 / 9780134468921  Mathematics All Around plus MyLab Math -- Access Card Package, 6/e      

Package consists of:

  • 0134434684 / 9780134434681 Mathematics All Around, 6/e
  • 0321431308 / 9780321431301 MyLab Math -- Glue-in Access Card
  • 0321654064 / 9780321654069 MyLab Math Inside Star Sticker
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Table of Contents



Chapter 1 Problem Solving: Strategies and Principles

1.1 Problem Solving

1.2 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

1.3 Estimation


Chapter 2 Set Theory: Using Mathematics to Classify Objects

2.1 The Language of Sets

2.2 Comparing Sets

2.3 Set Operations

2.4 Survey Problems

2.5 Looking Deeper: Infinite Sets


Chapter 3 Logic: The Study of What’s True or False or Somewhere in Between

3.1 Statements, Connectives, and Quantifiers

3.2 Truth Tables

3.3 The Conditional and Biconditional

3.4 Verifying Arguments

3.5 Using Euler Diagrams to Verify Syllogisms

3.6 Looking Deeper: Fuzzy Logic


Chapter 4 Graph Theory (Networks): The Mathematics of Relationships

4.1 Graphs, Puzzles, and Map Coloring

4.2 The Traveling Salesperson Problem

4.3 Directed Graphs

4.4 Looking Deeper: Scheduling Projects Using PERT


Chapter 5 Numeration Systems: Does It Matter How We Name Numbers?

5.1 The Evolution of Numeration Systems

5.2 Place Value Systems

5.3 Calculating in Other Bases

5.4 Looking Deeper: Modular Systems


Chapter 6 Number Theory and the Real Number System: Understanding the Numbers All Around Us

6.1 Number Theory

6.2 The Integers

6.3 The Rational Numbers

6.4 The Real Number System

6.5 Exponents and Scientific Notation

6.6 Looking Deeper: Sequences


Chapter 7 Algebraic Models: How Do We Approximate Reality?

7.1 Linear Equations

7.2 Modeling with Linear Equations

7.3 Modeling with Quadratic Equations

7.4 Exponential Equations and Growth

7.5 Proportions and Variation

7.6 Modeling with Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

7.7 Looking Deeper: Dynamical Systems


Chapter 8 Consumer Mathematics: The Mathematics of Everyday Life

8.1 Percents, Taxes, and Inflation

8.2 Interest

8.3 Consumer Loans

8.4 Annuities

8.5 Amortized Loans

8.6 Looking Deeper: Annual Percentage Rate


Chapter 9 Geometry: Ancient and Modern Mathematics Embrace

9.1 Lines, Angles, and Circles

9.2 Polygons

9.3 Perimeter and Area

9.4 Volume and Surface Area

9.5 The Metric System and Dimensional Analysis

9.6 Geometric Symmetry and Tessellations

9.7 Looking Deeper: Fractals


Chapter 10 Apportionment: How Do We Measure Fairness?

10.1 Understanding Apportionment

10.2 The Huntington-Hill Apportionment Principle

10.3 Other Paradoxes and Apportionment Methods

10.4 Looking Deeper: Fair Division


Chapter 11 Voting: using Mathematics to make Choices

11.1 Voting Methods

11.2 Defects in Voting Methods

11.3 Weighted Voting Systems

11.4 Looking Deeper: The Shapley-Shubik Index


Chapter 12 Counting: Just How many Are There?

12.1 Introduction to Counting Methods

12.2 The Fundamental Counting Principle

12.3 Permutations and Combinations

12.4 Looking Deeper: Counting and Gambling


Chapter 13 Probability: What Are the Chances?

13.1 The Basics of Probability Theory

13.2  Complements and Unions of Events

13.3 Conditional Probability and Intersections of Events

13.4 Expected Value

13.5 Looking Deeper: Binomial Experiments

Chapter 14 Descriptive Statistics: Making Sense of the Data

14.1 Organizing and Visualizing Data

14.2 Measures of Central Tendency

14.3 Measures of Dispersion

14.4 The Normal Distribution

14.5 Looking Deeper: Linear Correlation

Appendix A

Answers to Quiz Yourself Problems

Answers to Exercises



Supplemental Materials

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