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Medical Language Immerse Yourself

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-02-04
  • Publisher: Pearson
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For courses in medical terminology.

An immersive deep-dive into medical terminology
Medical Language: Immerse Yourself
is grounded in immersive language learning. Rather than memorizing vocabulary, students experience the sights and sounds of health care as they listen, speak, write, watch, examine, and think. A greater quantity and variety of exercises than any other text maximize opportunities to reinforce learning. The 5th edition retains its organization by medical specialty — the way medicine is practiced in the real world. New to the 5th edition is a reorganization into 15 chapters, perfect for a 16-week course, and into five sections correlated with learning outcomes. Each section ends with new Practice Laps evaluating student competency and underscoring learning goals.

Also available with MyLab Medical Terminology
By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. With MyLab Medical Terminology, students build a solid foundation of medical language through interactive games, Dynamic Study Modules, and narrated lectures.

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0135213649 / 9780135213643 Medical Language: Immerse Yourself Plus MyLab Medical Terminology with Pearson eText--Access Card Package, 5e

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  • 0134988396 / 9780134988399 Medical Language: Immerse Yourself, 5e
  • 0135190703 / 9780135190708 MyLab Medical Terminology with Pearson etext--Access Card--for Medical Language: Immerse Yourself, 5e

Author Biography

Susan M. Turley, MA (Education), BSN, RN, RHIT, CMT, is a full-time author and editor with extensive experience in both the medical and educational fields.

As a healthcare professional, Susan has worked in a variety of healthcare settings: acute care/ICU, long-term care, physicians’ offices, and managed care. She has held positions as an intensive care nurse, plasmapheresis nurse, infection control officer, physician office auditor, medical transcriptionist, director of education, and director of quality management and corporate compliance for an HMO.

An adjunct professor in the School of Health, Wellness, and Physical Education of Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland, Susan has taught courses in medical terminology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and medical transcription. She was instrumental in gaining initial accreditation for the college’s medical assisting program. Susan co-developed The SUM Program for Medical Transcription Training and reference books for the Health Professions Institute, and developed the curricula for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs for the International Institute of Original Medicine. She has been a guest speaker at national seminars on accreditation of utilization management programs, medical transcription teacher training, and health information management certification examination review.

Susan is also the author of the soon-to-be-released Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 6th Edition (Pearson, 2021) and more than 40 articles published in medical transcription and health information management journals. With physician coauthors, she has written three nationally funded grants and two chapters in physicians’ anesthesiology and ENT textbooks. She has also coauthored numerous abstracts and articles published in nationally known medical journals, and most recently was the editor for an opinion column that appeared in the J ournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Susan holds a master of arts degree in adult education from Norwich University in Vermont and a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the Pennsylvania State University, and has state licensure as an RN. She is a member of and has national certification in medical transcription from the Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) and is a member of and has national certification from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

Table of Contents

1. Medical Language and Health Care Today
2. Dermatology • Integumentary System
3. Gastroenterology • Gastrointestinal System
4. Pulmonology • Respiratory System
5. Cardiology • Cardiovascular System
6. Hematology and Immunology • Blood and Lymphatic System
7. Orthopedics • Skeletal System
8. Orthopedics • Muscular System
9. Neurology • Nervous System
10. Urology • Urinary System
11. Male Reproductive Medicine • Male Genitourinary System
12. Gynecology and Obstetrics • Female Genital and Reproductive System
13. Endocrinology • Endocrine System
14. Ophthalmology • Eye
15. Otolaryngology • Ears, Nose, and Throat

A. Glossary of Medical Word Parts: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms
B. Glossary of Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Short Forms

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