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Medieval Europe A Short History

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 12th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2020-07-31
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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For five decades, Medieval Europe: A Short History has been the best-selling text for courses on the history of Medieval Europe. This acclaimed book has long been applauded for both its scholarship and its engaging narrative. Oxford University Press is pleased to continue this tradition of excellence with a new, affordable, and streamlined twelfth edition featuring a new coauthor, Sandy Bardsley. The new edition offers increased coverage of race and ethnicity, more incorporation of archaeological data, an overall streamlining of the text, and more.

Author Biography

Judith M. Bennett is Professor of History Emerita at University of Southern California and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Sandy Bardsley
is Professor of History at Moravian College.

Table of Contents

Abbreviations and Conventions
Biographical Sketches
Medieval Myths
List of Figures
Chapter 1: Romans, Christians, and Barbarians
The Early Middle Ages
The Roman Peace (31 B.C.E.-180 C.E.) and After
Barbarians and the Western Empire
The Decline of the Western Empire

Chapter 2: Early Western Christendom, c. 500-700
Early Medieval Society
Early Medieval Politics
The Early Medieval Church
Intellectual Life

Chapter 3: The Byzantine Empire, c. 500-1000
Byzantine Government
Byzantine Christianity
Byzantine Economy and Society
Byzantine Culture
The Course of Byzantine Politics

Chapter 4: The Islamic Empires, c. 571-1100
Arabia and Muhammad (c. 571-632)
The Islamic Empires
Islamic Culture
Religion, Race, and Difference

Chapter 5: Carolingian Europe, c. 700-850
The Early Carolingians
Charlemagne (r. 768-814)
Intellectual Revival

Chapter 6: Division, Invasion, and Reorganization, c. 800-1000
Division: The Later Carolingians
Invasion: Muslims, Magyars, and Vikings
Reorganization: New Polities

Chapter 7: Economic Takeoff and Social Change in the Countryside, c. 1000-1300
The Central Middle Ages
Agricultural Revolution
Rural Society

Chapter 8: Economic Takeoff and Social Change in Town and Court, c. 1000-1300
The Commercial Revolution
Urban Society
The Landholding Aristocracy
Feudal Society
The Expansion of Education

Chapter 9: Popes and the Papacy, c. 1000-1300
Popes, Clergy, and Laity, c. 1000-1122
The Reformed Papacy and its Church
Innocent III and the Papacy Ascendant
The Papacy after 1250

Chapter 10: New Paths to God, c. 1000-1300
The Evolution of Christian Piety
Orthodoxy and Heresy
Changes in Monastic Life
The Mendicant Orders

Chapter 11: Conquests, Crusades, and Persecutions, c. 1100-1300
Conquests and Territorial Expansion

Chapter 12: States Made and Unmade, c. 1000-1300
The Holy Roman Empire: Disintegration
England: King and Parliament
France: The Monarchy Triumphant
Iberia: Some Consolidation
The States of Northern and Eastern Europe

Chapter 13: Literature, Art, and Thought, c. 1000-1300
Byzantine and Islamic Influences
Intellectual Trends
Architecture and Sculpture

Chapter 14: Famine, Plague, and Recovery, c. 1300-1500
The Later Middle Ages
Economic Woes and Demographic Crisis (1300-1350)
Adjustment and Recovery (1350-1500)
Late Medieval Christianity

Chapter 15: Toward the Sovereign State, c. 1300-1500
England, France, and the Hundred Years' War
England: Parliament, Civil War, and Tudor Monarchy
France: Constitutional Crisis, War, and the Spider King
The Iberian States: Consolidation through Homogenization
New Powers on the European Periphery
The Heritage of the Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 16: Diversity and Dynamism in Culture, c. 1300-1500
Literacy and Vernacular Languages
Humanist Education
Art and Architecture
Political Thought

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