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Michigan A History of the Great Lakes State

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-02-10
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

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The fifth edition of Michigan: A History of the Great Lakes State presents an update of the best college-level survey of Michigan history, covering the pre-Columbian period to the present.

  • Represents the best-selling survey history of Michigan
  • Includes updates and enhancements reflecting the latest historic scholarship, along with the new chapter ‘Reinventing Michigan’
  • Expanded coverage includes the socio-economic impact of tribal casino gaming on Michigan’s Native American population; environmental, agricultural, and educational issues; recent developments in the Jimmy Hoffa mystery, and collegiate and professional sports
  • Delivered in an accessible narrative style that is entertaining as well as informative, with ample illustrations, photos, and maps
  • Now available in digital formats as well as print

Author Biography

Bruce A. Rubenstein is Professor of History at the University of Michigan-Flint. A native of Port Huron, Michigan, he has co-authored two books with Lawrence Ziewacz: Three Bullets Sealed His Lips (1987) and Payoffs in the Cloakroom: The Greening of the Michigan Legislature, 1938-1945 (1995), both dealing with Michigan’s political history. He also authored Chicago in the World Series, 1903-2005: Cubs and White Sox in Championship Play (2006) in addition to numerous articles on baseball and Indian-White relations in Michigan.

Lawrence E. Ziewacz, late Professor of American Thought and Language at Michigan State University, was a native of Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. He co-authored two books with Bruce Rubenstein: Three Bullets Sealed His Lips (1987) and Payoffs in the Cloakroom: The Greening of the Michigan Legislature, 1938-1945 (1995). He also co-authored The Games They Played: Sports in American History (1983) and was co-advisory editor of The Guide to United States Popular Culture (2001).

Table of Contents

Introduction vii

1 The Original Michiganians 1

2 The New Acadia 16

3 Under the Union Jack 42

4 Wilderness Politics and Economics 57

5 Challenges of Statehood 70

6 Decade of Turmoil 85

7 Defense of the Nation 102

8 Radicals and Reformers 115

9 Early Ethnic Contributions 130

10 Grain, Grangers, and Conservation 142

11 Development of Intellectual Maturity 157

12 Wood and Rails 176

13 The World of Wheels 195

14 From Bull Moose to Bull Market 210

15 Depression Life in an Industrial State 231

16 Inequality in the Arsenal of Democracy 249

17 Fears and Frustration in the Cold War Era 261

18 The Turbulent 1960s 274

19 Challenges of the 1970s 287

20 Toward the Twenty-First Century 299

21 Entering the New Millennium 317

22 Reinventing Michigan 334

Appendix A: Governors of the Territory and State of Michigan 344

Appendix B: Counties, Dates of Organization, and

Origins of County Names 346

Appendix C: Michigan’s State Song 351

Appendix D: Michigan’s State Symbols 352

Index 353

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