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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2019-10-21
  • Publisher: Worth Publishers

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Microeconomics [ISBN: 9781319105563] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Goolsbee, Austan; Levitt, Steven; Syverson, Chad. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


Like no other text for the intermediate microeconomics course, Goolsbee, Levitt, and Syverson’s Microeconomics bridges the gap between today’s theory and practice. A strong empirical dimension tests theory and successfully applies it. With carefully crafted features and vivid examples, Goolsbee, Levitt, and Syverson’s text helps answer two critical questions students ask, Do people and firms really act as theory suggests and How can someone use microeconomics in a practical way?

The authors teach in economics departments and business schools and are active empirical microeconomics researchers. Their grounding in different areas of empirical research allows them to present the evidence developed in the last 20 years that has tested and refined the fundamental theories. Their teaching and professional experiences are reflected in an outstanding presentation of theories and applications.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Adventures in Microeconomics
Chapter 2: Supply and Demand
Chapter 3: Using Supply and Demand to Analyze Markets
Chapter 4: Consumer Behavior
Chapter 5: Individual and Market Demand
Chapter 6: Producer Behavior
Chapter 7: Costs
Chapter 8: Supply in a Competitive Market
Chapter 9: Market Power and Monopoly
Chapter 10: Market Power and Pricing Strategies
Chapter 11: Imperfect Competition
Chapter 12: Game Theory
Chapter 13: Factor Markets
Chapter 14: Investment, Time, and Insurance
Chapter 15: General Equilibrium
Chapter 16: Asymmetric Information
Chapter 17: Externalities and Public Goods
Chapter 18: Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Supplemental Materials

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