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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 8th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2017-01-05
  • Publisher: Pearson
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Looking to rent a book? Rent Microeconomics [ISBN: 9780134519531] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Perloff, Jeffrey M.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


For all Intermediate Microeconomics courses at the undergraduate or graduate level.


Using microeconomics to analyze and resolve real-world policy and business problems

A market-leading text, Microeconomics presents economic theory in the context of real, data¿-driven examples, and then develops your intuition through hallmark Solved Problems. The text places emphasis on modern theories--such as industrial organization theory, game theory, and transaction cost theory--that are useful in analyzing actual markets, while a step-by-step problem-based learning approach demonstrates how to use microeconomic theory to solve business problems and analyze policy. The 8th Edition has been substantially updated with new or revised real-world examples, applications, and problems so that you gain a practical perspective, seeing how models connect to real-¿world decisions being made in today’s firms and policy debates.


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  • 0134524322 / 9780134524320 MyLab Economics with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Microeconomics

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Supply and Demand

3. Applying the Supply-and-Demand Model

4. Consumer Choice

5. Applying Consumer Theory

6. Firms and Production

7. Costs

8. Competitive Firms and Markets

9. Applying the Competitive Model

10. General Equilibrium and Economic Welfare

11. Monopoly

12. Pricing and Advertising

13. Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition

14. Game Theory

15. Factor Markets

16. Interest Rates, Investments, and Capital Markets

17. Uncertainty

18. Externalities, Open-Access, and Public Goods

19. Asymmetric Information

20. Contracts and Moral Hazards



Answers to Selected Questions and Problems


Sources for Challenges and Applications





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