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Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-04-09
  • Publisher: Elsevier Science
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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


Database professionals will find that this new edition aids in mastering the latest version of Microsofts SQL Server. Developers and database administrators (DBAs) use SQL on a daily basis in application development and the subsequent problem solving and fine tuning. Answers to SQL issues can be quickly located helping the DBA or developer optimize and tune a database to maximum efficiency. Basic questions are easily located on the topics of filtering, sorting, operators, conditionals, pseudo columns, single row functions, joins, grouping functions, sub queries, composite queries, hierarchies, flashback queries, parallel queries, expressions and regular expressions. Assistance on DML, data types (including collections), XML, DDL for basic database objects such as tales, views and indexes, partitioning, and security is also considered. * Identifies the most common issues DBAs face day to day for easy reference *Provides DBAs with solutions actually used by the authors in enterprise environments to resolve common and specialized problems to optimization issues. * Addresses issues that have been introduced by new features which can add more control but reduce performance.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Acknowledgements
Performance and SQL Server 2005
Logical database design for performance
Physical database design
SQL Server storage structures
Basic query tuning
What is query optimization?
Investigating and influencing the optimizer
SQL Server 2005 and Windows 2003
Transactions and locking
Performance and architectural choices
Monitoring performance Appendices
Syntax Conventions
Database Scripts
Performance Strategies and Tuning Checklist
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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