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Modern Wireless Communications

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-02-23
  • Publisher: Pearson
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This book provides a self-motivating introduction to wireless communications; it presents topics in a manner consistent with their natural evolution, based on the principle of increasing spectral efficiency of the radio transmission.TOPICS:Wireless Systemsbegins with a discussion of FDMA systems and follows with the evolution through TDMA, CDMA, and SDMA techniques. Engineering principles required for each multiple access strategy are presented parallel to it.For electrical engineers and others involved in wireless communications.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xiii
Introductionp. 1
Backgroundp. 1
Communication Systemsp. 3
The Physical Layerp. 3
The Data-Link Layerp. 5
FDMAp. 5
TDMAp. 6
CDMAp. 7
SDMAp. 8
Overview of the Bookp. 8
Notes and Referencesp. 10
Propagation and Noisep. 11
Introductionp. 11
Free-Space Propagationp. 13
Isotropic Radiationp. 13
Directional Radiationp. 15
The Friis Equationp. 18
Polarizationp. 19
Terrestrial Propagation: Physical Modelsp. 19
Reflection and the Plane-Earth Modelp. 20
Diffractionp. 24
Diffraction Lossesp. 28
Terrestrial Propagation: Statistical Modelsp. 30
Median Path Lossp. 30
Local Propagation Lossp. 32
Indoor Propagationp. 33
Local Propagation Effects with Mobile Radiop. 36
Rayleigh Fadingp. 36
Rician Fadingp. 40
Dopplerp. 42
Fast Fadingp. 44
Channel Classificationp. 48
Time-Selective Channelsp. 50
Frequency-Selective Channelsp. 52
General Channelsp. 52
WSSUS Channelsp. 54
Coherence Timep. 57
Power-Delay Profilep. 58
Coherence Bandwidthp. 60
Stationary and Nonstationary Channelsp. 61
Summary of Channel Classificationp. 62
Noise and Interferencep. 63
Thermal Noisep. 63
Equivalent Noise Temperature and Noise Figurep. 66
Noise in Cascaded Systemsp. 68
Man-Made Noisep. 70
Multiple-Access Interferencep. 71
Link Calculationsp. 75
Free-Space Link Budgetp. 75
Terrestrial Link Budgetp. 80
Theme Example 1: Okumura-Hata Empirical Modelp. 82
Theme Example 2: Wireless Local Area Networksp. 85
Propagation Modelp. 85
Receiver Sensitivityp. 85
Rangep. 86
Power-Delay Profilep. 86
Modulationp. 88
Theme Example 3: Impulse Radio and Ultra-Widebandp. 89
Summary and Discussionp. 94
Notes and Referencesp. 95
Additional Problemsp. 96
Modulation and Frequency-Division Multiple Accessp. 103
Introductionp. 103
Modulationp. 105
Linear and Nonlinear Modulation Processesp. 106
Analog and Digital Modulation Techniquesp. 107
Amplitude and Angle Modulation Processesp. 107
Linear Modulation Techniquesp. 108
Amplitude Modulationp. 108
Binary Phase-Shift Keyingp. 110
Quadriphase-Shift Keyingp. 112
Offset Quadriphase-Shift Keyingp. 114
[pi]/4-Shifted Quadriphase-Shift Keyingp. 116
Pulse Shapingp. 116
Root Raised-Cosine Pulse Shapingp. 119
Complex Representation of Linear Modulated Signals and Band-Pass Systemsp. 122
Complex Representation of Linear Band-Pass Systemsp. 124
Signal-Space Representation of Digitally Modulated Signalsp. 126
Nonlinear Modulation Techniquesp. 130
Frequency Modulationp. 130
Binary Frequency-Shift Keyingp. 132
Continuous-Phase Modulation: Minimum Shift Keyingp. 133
Power Spectra of MSK Signalp. 137
Gaussian-Filtered MSKp. 139
Frequency-Division Multiple Accessp. 142
Two Practical Issues of Concernp. 144
Adjacent Channel Interferencep. 144
Power Amplifier Nonlinearityp. 146
Comparison of Modulation Strategies for Wireless Communicationsp. 148
Linear Channelsp. 148
Nonlinear Channelsp. 150
Channel Estimation and Trackingp. 151
Differential Detectionp. 152
Pilot Symbol Transmissionp. 154
Receiver Performance: Bit Error Ratep. 158
Channel Noisep. 158
Theme Example 1: Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexingp. 162
Cyclic Prefixp. 167
Theme Example 2: Cordless Telecommunicationsp. 168
Summary and Discussionp. 170
Notes and Referencesp. 171
Additional Problemsp. 173
Coding and Time-Division Multiple Accessp. 179
Introductionp. 179
Samplingp. 182
Why Follow Sampling with Coding?p. 184
Shannon's Information Theoryp. 185
Source-Coding Theoremp. 185
Channel-Coding Theoremp. 186
Information Capacity Theoremp. 187
Rate Distortion Theoryp. 188
Speech Codingp. 189
Linear Predictionp. 189
Multipulse Excited LPCp. 190
Code-Excited LPCp. 192
Error-Control Codingp. 193
Cyclic Redundancy Check Codesp. 194
Convolutional Codesp. 195
Trellis and State Diagrams of Convolutional Codesp. 198
Free Distance of a Convolutional Codep. 200
Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of Convolutional Codesp. 201
The Viterbi Algorithmp. 203
Modifications of the Viterbi Algorithmp. 205
Interleavingp. 207
Block Interleavingp. 208
Convolutional Interleavingp. 210
Random Interleavingp. 212
Noise Performance of Convolutional Codesp. 212
Turbo Codesp. 215
Turbo Encodingp. 215
Turbo Decodingp. 216
Noise Performancep. 218
Maximum a Posteriori Probability Decodingp. 219
Comparison of Channel-Coding Strategies for Wireless Communicationsp. 222
Encodingp. 223
Decodingp. 224
AWGN Channelp. 225
Fading Wireless Channelsp. 225
Latencyp. 225
Joint Equalization and Decodingp. 226
RF Modulation Revisitedp. 226
Baseband Processing for Channel Estimation and Equalizationp. 227
Channel Estimationp. 229
Viterbi Equalizationp. 231
Time-Division Multiple Accessp. 233
Advantages of TDMA over FDMAp. 234
TDMA Overlaid on FDMAp. 235
Theme Example 1: GSMp. 236
Theme Example 2: Joint Equalization and Decodingp. 239
Computer Experimentp. 241
Theme Example 3: Random-Access Techniquesp. 243
Pure Alohap. 243
Slotted Alohap. 245
Carrier-Sense Multiple Accessp. 245
Other Considerations with Random-Access Protocolsp. 248
Summary and Discussionp. 249
Notes and Referencesp. 251
Additional Problemsp. 252
Spread Spectrum and Code-Division Multiple Accessp. 258
Introductionp. 258
Direct-Sequence Modulationp. 260
The Spreading Equationp. 260
Matched-Filter Receiverp. 262
Performance with Interferencep. 263
Spreading Codesp. 265
Walsh-Hadamard Sequencesp. 267
Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factorsp. 269
Maximal-Length Sequencesp. 270
Scramblersp. 274
Gold Codesp. 274
Random Sequencesp. 276
The Advantages of CDMA for Wirelessp. 279
Multiple-Access Interferencep. 279
Multipath Channelsp. 283
RAKE Receiverp. 284
Fading Channelsp. 288
Summary of the Benefits of DS-SSp. 289
Code Synchronizationp. 290
Channel Estimationp. 292
Power Control: The Near-Far Problemp. 294
FEC Coding and CDMAp. 297
Multiuser Detectionp. 299
CDMA in a Cellular Environmentp. 301
Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrump. 306
Complex Baseband Representation of FH-SSp. 307
Slow-Frequency Hoppingp. 308
Fast-Frequency Hoppingp. 310
Processing Gainp. 310
Theme Example 1: IS-95p. 311
Channel Protocolp. 311
Pilot Channelp. 313
Downlink CDMA Channelsp. 314
Power Controlp. 316
Cellular Considerationsp. 317
Uplinkp. 318
Theme Example 2: GPSSp. 319
Theme Example 3: Bluetoothp. 321
Theme Example 4: WCDMAp. 323
Bandwidth and Chip Ratep. 324
Data Rates and Spreading Factorp. 324
Modulation and Synchronizationp. 324
Forward Error-Correction Codesp. 324
Channel Typesp. 325
Uplinkp. 325
Downlinkp. 326
Multicode Transmissionp. 327
Cellular Considerationsp. 327
Theme Example 5: Wi-Fip. 328
Summary and Discussionp. 331
Notes and Referencesp. 332
Additional Problemsp. 333
Diversity, Capacity, and Space-Division Multiple Accessp. 339
Introductionp. 339
"Space Diversity on Receive" Techniquesp. 341
Selection Combiningp. 341
Maximal-Ratio Combiningp. 346
Equal-Gain Combiningp. 353
Square-Law Combiningp. 353
Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Antenna Systemsp. 357
Coantenna Interferencep. 358
Basic Baseband Channel Modelp. 360
MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiverp. 363
Ergodic Capacityp. 363
Two Other Special Cases of the Log-Det Formula: Capacities of Receive and Transmit Diversity Linksp. 366
Outage Capacityp. 367
Channel Known at the Transmitterp. 371
Singular-Value Decomposition of the Channel Matrixp. 371
Eigendecomposition of the Log-det Capacity Formulap. 374
Space-Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communicationsp. 376
Preliminariesp. 378
Alamouti Codep. 379
Performance Comparison of Diversity-on-Receive and Diversity-on-Transmit Schemesp. 387
Generalized Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codesp. 389
Performance Comparisons of Different Space-Time Block Codes Using a Single Receiverp. 392
Differential Space-Time Block Codesp. 395
Differential Space-Time Block Codingp. 395
Transmitter and Receiver Structuresp. 401
Noise Performancep. 402
Space-Division Multiple Access and Smart Antennasp. 404
Antenna Arraysp. 406
Multipath with Directional Antennasp. 412
Theme Example 1: BLAST Architecturesp. 415
Diagonal-BLAST Architecturep. 416
Vertical-BLAST Architecturep. 417
Turbo-BLAST Architecturep. 419
Experimental Performance Evaluation of Turbo-BLAST versus V-BLASTp. 422
Theme Example 2: Diversity, Space-Time Block Codes, and V-BLASTp. 426
Diversity-on-Receive versus Diversity-on-Transmitp. 426
Space-Time Block Codes versus V-BLASTp. 427
Diversity Order and Multiplexing Gainp. 429
Theme Example 3: Keyhole Channelsp. 432
Summary and Discussionp. 436
Notes and Referencesp. 439
Additional Problemsp. 441
Wireless Architecturesp. 450
Introductionp. 450
Comparison of Multiple-Access Strategiesp. 450
OSI Reference Modelp. 454
The OSI Model and Wireless Communicationsp. 457
MAC Sublayer Signaling and Protocolsp. 458
Power Controlp. 461
Open Loopp. 462
Closed Loopp. 463
Outer-Loop Power Controlp. 464
Other Considerationsp. 464
Handoverp. 465
Handover Algorithmsp. 465
Multiple-Access Considerationsp. 466
Network Layerp. 467
Cellular Networksp. 467
Indoor LANsp. 469
Theme Example 1: Wireless Telephone Network Standardsp. 470
Theme Example 2: Wireless Data Network Standardsp. 472
Theme Example 3: IEEE 802.11 MACp. 473
Summary and Discussionp. 475
Notes and Referencesp. 476
Problemsp. 476
Table of Contents provided by Rittenhouse. All Rights Reserved.

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The rapid growth of wireless communications and its pervasive use in all walks of life are changing the way we communicate in some fundamental ways. Most important, reliance on radio propagation as the physical mechanism responsible for the transport of information-bearing signals from the transmitter to the receiver has endowed communications with a distinctive feature, namely, mobility. Modern Wireless Communicationsis a new book aimed at the teaching of a course that could follow a traditional course on communication systems, as an integral part of an undergraduate program in electrical engineering or as the first graduate course on wireless communications. The primary focus of the book is on the physical layer, emphasizing the fundamentals of radio propagation and communication-theoretic aspects of multiple-access techniques. Many aspects of wireless communications are covered in an introductory level and book form for the first time. 1. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOOK The book is organized in seven chapters, nine appendices, and a bibliography. Chapter 1 motivates the study of wireless communications. It begins with a brief historical account of wireless communications, and then goes on to describe the OSI model of communication networks. The discussion, however, focuses on the issues that arise in the study of the physical layer, which is the mainstay of the book. Chapter 2 on radio propagation starts with an explanation of the physical mechanisms of the propagation process, including free-space propagation, reflection, and diffraction. These physical mechanisms provide insight into the statistical models that are employed for terrestrial and indoor propagation effects that follow. The small-scale effects of fading and uncorrelated scattering are discussed, leading up to a careful classification of the different wireless channel types. The second half of the chapter describes noise and interference, and how combined with propagation, we may determine wireless communication system performance through a link-budget analysis. Chapter 3 reviews the modulation process with emphasis on digital transmission techniques. This introductory treatment of modulation paves the way for discussions of the following issues: Complex baseband representation of linear modulated signals, and the corresponding input/output descriptions of linear wireless communication channels and linear band-pass filters. Practical problems concerning adjacent channel interference and nonlinearities in transmit power amplifiers. The stage is then set for comparative evaluation of various modulation strategies for wireless communications, discussion of receiver performance in the presence of channel noise and Rayleigh fading, and discussion of frequency-division multiple-access (FDMA). Chapter 4 focuses on coding techniques and time-division multiple-access (TDMA). After a brief review of Shannon''s classical information theory, the source coding of speech signals is discussed, which is then followed by fundamental aspects of convolutional codes, interleavers, and turbo codes. The relative merits of convolutional codes and turbo codes are discussed in the context of wireless communications. The various aspects of channel-estimation, tracking, and channel equalization are treated in detail. The discussion then moves onto TDMA and the advantages it offers over FDMA. Chapter 5 discusses spread spectrum, code-division multiple-access (CDMA), and cellular systems. It first presents the basics of spread-spectrum systems, namely, direct-sequence, and frequency-hopped systems, and their tolerance to interference. A fundamental component of spread-spectrum systems is the spreading code: a section of the chapter is devoted to explaining Walsh-Hadamard, maximal-length sequences, Gold codes, and random sequences. This discussion is then followed with a description of RAKE receivers, channel estimation, code synchronization, and the multipath performance of direct-sequence systems. This leads naturally to a discussion of how direct-sequence systems perform in a cellular environment. Chapter 6 is devoted to the notion of space diversity and related topics. It starts with diversity on receive, which represents the traditional technique for mitigating the fading problem that plagues wireless communications. Then the chapter introduces the powerful notion of multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications, which includes space diversity on receive and space diversity on transmit as special cases. Most important, the use of MIMO communications represents the "spatial frontier" of wireless communications in that, for prescribed communication resources in the form of fixed transmit power and channel bandwidth, it provides the practical means for significant increases in the spectral efficiency of wireless communications at the expense of increased computational complexity. The discussion of MIMO wireless communications also includes orthogonal space-time block codes (STBC), best exemplified by the Alamouti code and its differential form. The discussion then moves onto space-division multiple access (SDMA), and smart antennas. Chapter 7 links the physical layer and multiple-access topics of the previous chapters with the higher layers of the communications network. This final chapter of the book begins with a comparison of the different multiple-access strategies. The discussion then leads to a consideration of various link-management functions associated with wireless systems, namely, signaling, power control, and handover. The differences between systems used for telephony and those used for data transmission are clearly delineated. This is then followed by a discussion of wireless network architectures, both for telephony and data applications. 1.1 Theme Examples An enriching feature of the book is the inclusion of Theme Examples within each of the chapters in the book, except for Chapter 1. In a loose sense, they may be viewed as "Chapters within Chapters" that show the practical applications of the topics discussed in the pertinent chapters. Specifically, the following Theme Examples are discussed: Chapter 2: Empirical propagation model, wireless local area networks (LANs), and impulse radio and ultra-wideband Chapter 4: Global system for mobile (GSM) communications, joint equalization and decoding, and random-access techniques Chapter 5: Code-division multiple access (CDMA) Standard IS-95, GPSS, bluetooth, wideband CDMA and WiFi Chapter 6: BLAST architectures, diversity, space-time block codes, and V-BLAST, and keyhole channels Chapter 7: Wireless telephone network standards, wireless data network standards, and IEEE 801.11 MAC 1.2 Appendices To provide supplementary material for the book, nine appendices are included: Fourier theory Bessel functions Random variables and random processes Matched filters Error function Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoding Capacity of MIMO links Eigendecomposition Adaptive antenna array The inclusion of these appendices is intended to make the book essentially self-sufficient. 1.3 Other Features of the Book Each chapter includes "within-text" problems that are intended to help the reader develop an improved understanding of the issues being discussed in the text. "End-of-chapter" problems provide an abundance of additional problems, whose solutions will further help the reader develop a deeper understanding of the material covered in the pertinent chapter. Moreover, each chapter includes examples with detailed solutions covering different aspects of the subject matter. "Notes and References" included at the end of the chapter pro

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