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Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Assistants

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1999-07-01
  • Publisher: Elsevier Science Health Science div
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List Price: $37.95


MOSBY'S TEXTBOOK FOR LONG-TERM CARE ASSISTANTS provides complete coverage of the knowledge and skills required to work in a long-term care facility. This popular text features a clear, logical presentation of procedures with hundreds of large, full-color photos and drawings, making it easy for students to learn and understand. This new edition addresses the expanding role of the nursing assistant in long-term care, and includes a number of more complex procedures now frequently performed in subacute facilities. New information on work ethic, basic job skills, cultural considerations, quality of life, care of the developmentally disabled, and residents with dementia prepare the student for today's residents. * Contains complete coverage of the knowledge and skills needed by the nursing assistant in long-term care. * Features a clear, readable writing style that makes learning easy for students. * Attractive, full-color design engages students' interest. * Includes concise, step-by-step procedures that clearly explain how to perform nursing skills. * Provides hundreds of full-color photos and drawings to add visual appeal and show students exactly how to perform important tasks. (Includes FREE MERLIN website at:www.harcourthealth.com/MERLIN/MAPS/LTCtxtbk/)

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