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Name Painting Kit

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-04-01
  • Publisher: Linda Chun Yan Wang
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List Price: $34.95


Name Painting Kit, How to Name Paint and The Art of Name Painting are about: 1. Learn how to Name Paint; Now everyone can learn how to name paint with the first ever books about Name Painting. With How to Name Paint, The Art of Name Painting, and the complete kit of supplies from Linda, you will be amazed at how soon you can create beautiful, personalized gifts for friends and families. Name Painting is a fun hobby for both children and adults. These books will help both beginners and more advanced individuals perfect their skills. The kit has all the tools you need to make impressive, colorful works of art that others will love.2. Introduce what is Name Painting: Name Painting is an art form that originated in China. There this kind of folk art dates back more than 2,000 years.Traditionally, Name Painting was used to represent Chinese characters in a person's name when a gift was needed for special events. The most popular images in the past for depicting Chinese characters included flowers, birds, dragons, phoenixes, sunsets, mountains, fish, and bamboo.Today, the art form has advanced, especially in New York City, where there are many Name Painting artists. Their dedication tot his craft has led to many more designs, better details, and brighter colors.The colorfulness, the images, the constantly changing nature of Name Painting, and its emphasis on unique expression make it unlike any other kind of artistic creation

Author Biography

Linda Chun Yan Wang is the author and the publisher of the Name Painting Kit. She born into a family of artists, Linda Chun Yan Wang grew up in Nanjing, China, an ancient historical city with a flourishing art tradition.For more than seven years, Linda has been selling and demonstrating her Name Painting art in New York City and across the nation. Her expertise has received great praise at corporate events, parties, and all types of occasions. Her art and her demonstrations are in demand. Her website (www.namepaintingart.com) has many examples of her creations.

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