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Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales (Norton Critical Editions)

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-11-06
  • Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

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This revised Norton Critical Edition brings together twenty-three of Hawthorne's tales in all their psychological and moral complexity. The Second Edition adds the early biographical sketch Mrs. Hutchinson as well as two tales, The Wives of the Dead and Dr. Heidegger's Experiment. Each tale is accompanied by explanatory annotations. The Author on His Work contains the prefaces Hawthorne wrote for the three collections of tales published during his lifetime-The Old Manse, Twice-Told Tales, and The Snow Image. Also included are pertinent selections from his American Notebooks and relevant letters to, among others, Sophia Peabody, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Margaret Fuller. Criticism offers important contemporary assessments of Hawthorne's tales by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe, Margaret Fuller (new to the Second Edition), James Russell Lowell, Herman Melville, and Henry James. Modern criticism is well represented by twelve essays-four of them new to the Second Edition-on the tales' central issues. Contributors include Jorge Louis Borges, J. Hillis Miller, Judith Fetterley, Nina Baym, Leo Marx, and Martin Bidney, among others. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. ix
Preface to Second Editionp. xiii
The Texts of the Tales
My Kinsman, Major Molineuxp. 3
Roger Malvin's Burialp. 19
The Gentle Boyp. 36
The Wives of the Deadp. 62
Mrs. Hutchinsonp. 67
The Haunted Mindp. 73
The Gray Championp. 77
Young Goodman Brownp. 84
Wakefieldp. 96
The Ambitious Guestp. 103
The May-Pole of Merry Mountp. 110
The Minister's Black Veilp. 120
The Man of Adamantp. 131
Dr. Heidegger's Experimentp. 137
Endicott and the Red Crossp. 146
The Birthmarkp. 152
The Celestial Rail-roadp. 166
Earth's Holocaustp. 181
The Artist of the Beautifulp. 198
Drowne's Wooden Imagep. 218
Rappaccini's Daughterp. 228
Ethan Brandp. 254
Feathertopp. 267
A Note on the Text
Textual Variantsp. 286
Hawthorne's Revisions of "The Gentle Boy"p. 288
The Author on His Work
Prefacesp. 293
The Old Mansep. 295
Preface to the 1851 Edition of Twice-told Talesp. 317
Preface to the Snow-Imagep. 321
Lettersp. 323
To Elizabeth C. Hathorne, March 13, 1821p. 324
To H. W. Longfellow, June 4, 1837p. 325
To H. W. Longfellow, June 19, 1837p. 328
To H. W. Longfellow, January 12, 1839p. 328
To Sophia Peabody, October 4, 1840p. 330
To G. S. Hillard, July 16, 1841p. 332
To Margaret Fuller, August 25, 1842p. 332
To Margaret Fuller, February 1, 1843p. 334
To E. A. Duyckinck, July 1, 1845p. 336
To E. A. Duyckinck, April 15, 1846p. 336
To R. W. Griswold, December 15, 1851p. 338
To James T. Fields, April 13, 1854p. 339
From the American Notebooksp. 340
Early Criticismp. 357
Hawthorne's Twice-told Talesp. 359
[Twice-told Tales, Second Edition]p. 362
Tale-Writing-Nathaniel Hawthornep. 363
[Hawthorne's Mosses from an Old Manse]p. 367
Hawthorne and His Mossesp. 370
Early Writingsp. 385
Modern Criticismp. 393
Hawthorne as Poetp. 395
Hawthorne and the Puritan Revolution of 1776p. 409
The Logic of Compulsionp. 418
Visible Sanctity and Specter Evidence: The Moral World of Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown"p. 429
Nathaniel Hawthornep. 446
The Self Outside Itself: "Wakefield" and "The Ambitious Guest"p. 458
Defacing It: Hawthorne and Historyp. 464
Hawthorne's "The Birthmark": Science as Religionp. 477
Women Beware Science: "The Birthmark"p. 484
[The Tales of the Manse Period]p. 494
["Ethan Brand"]p. 499
Fire, Flutter, Fall, and Scatter: A Structure in the Epiphanies of Hawthorne's Talesp. 507
Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Chronologyp. 525
Selected Bibliographyp. 529
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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