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Overcoming Mood Swings 2nd Edition A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-06-21
  • Publisher: HACHETTE
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $19.99 Save up to $0.02
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Most of us know about extreme highs or lows. For some people, however, emotional extremes can seriously disrupt our lives, either because they happen too frequently or because the mood swings are intense and accompanied by other symptoms of depression or mania, such as changes in energy and activity levels.

This valuable self-help guide teaches tried-and-tested strategies that will help anyone troubled by mood swings to effectively identify and manage their moods, and achieve a more stable and comfortable emotional balance. It includes:
- Information on depression and mania
- A step-by-step, structured self-help programme and monitoring sheets

Overcoming self-help guides use clinically proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical.

This book is recommended by the national Reading Well scheme for England and Wales, delivered by the Reading Agency and the Society of Chief Librarians with funding from Arts Council England and Wellcome.

Series Editor: Emeritus professor Peter Cooper

Author Biography

Jan Scott is emeritus professor of psychological medicine at the University of Newcastle, and a visiting professor at the Brain and Mind Research Institute at The University of Sydney, the Université de Paris in France, and at NTNU, Trondheim in Norway. She is an internationally renowned expert in the use of cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder. She is a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapists, and a trustee of the Mental Health Foundation.

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