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The Oxford Annotated Mishnah

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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-09-09
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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The Mishnah is the foundational document of rabbinic law and, one could say, of rabbinic Judaism itself. It is overwhelmingly technical and focused on matters of practice, custom, and law. The Oxford Annotated Mishnah is the first annotated translation of this work, making the text accessible to all.

With explanations of all technical terms and expressions, The Oxford Annotated Mishnah brings together an expert group of translators and annotators to assemble a version of the Mishnah that requires no specialist knowledge.

Author Biography

Shaye J.D. Cohen, Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy, Harvard University, USA,Robert Goldenberg, Professor of History and Judaic Studies Emeritus, Stony Brook University, USA,Hayim Lapin, Professor of History and Robert H. Smith Professor of Jewish Studies, University of
Maryland, USA

Shaye Cohen is Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy, Harvard University. He previously taught at Brown University and the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. He is widely recognized as one of the leading scholars of ancient Judaism in the USA.

Robert Goldenberg retired in 2012 from a long and successful career of teaching Judaica and history at Stony Brook University. His main research interest was the history of Jews and Judaism in the Greco-Roman and late antique worlds. He has also taught at the Jewish Theological Seminary in
New York. He is a former co-editor of the AJSReview.

Hayim Lapin is Professor of History and Robert H. Smith Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Maryland. He has written extensively on rabbinic law and its social and economic contexts. Lapin also works in the field of digital humanities, with particular interest in editing and
study of texts.

Table of Contents

Berakhot, Richard Sarason
Pe'ah, Greg E. Gardner
Demai, Richard Sarason
Kilayim, Michael Rosenberg
Shevi'it, Ya'ir Furstenberg
Terumot, Matthew Hass and Will Friedman
Ma'aserot, Joshua Kulp
Ma'aser Sheni, Joshua Kulp
Hallah, Joshua Kulp
Orlah, Joshua Kulp
Bikkurim, Naftali S. Cohn
Shabbat, Shaye J.D. Cohen
Eruvin, Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
Pesahim, Jonathan Klawans
Sheqalim, Miriam-Simma Walfish
Yoma, Yonatan Miller
Sukkah, Jeffrey Rubenstein
Betsah, Judith Hauptman
Rosh Hashanah, Steven Fraade
Ta'anit, David Levine
Megillah, Alyssa Gray
Mo'ed Qatan, Gail Labovitz
Hagigah, Michal Bar-Asher Siegal
Yevamot, Tal Ilan
Ketubbot, Robert Brody
Nedarim, Robert Goldenberg
Nazir, Robert Goldenberg
Sotah, Ishay Rosen-Zvi, Orr Scharf
Gittin, David Brodsky
Qiddushin, Gail Labovitz
Bava Qamma, Hayim Lapin
Bava Metsi'a, Hayim Lapin
Bava Batra, Hayim Lapin
Sanhedrin, Beth Berkowitz
Makkot, David Flatto
Shevu'ot, Elizabeth Shanks Alexander
Eduyot, Shaye J.D. Cohen
Avodah Zarah, Christine Hayes
Avot, Martin Jaffee
Horayot, Alyssa Gray
Zevahim, Aryeh Cohen
Menahot, Dvora Weisberg
Hullin, Jordan Rosenblum
Bekhorot, Chaya Halberstam
Arakhin, Jonah Steinberg
Temurah, Tzvi Novick
Keritot, Moulie Vidas
Me'ilah, Sarra Lev
Tamid, Naftali Cohn
Middot, Naftali Cohn
Qinnim, Dalia Marx
Kelim, Michael Chernick
Oholot, Yehudah Cohn
Nega'im, Mira Balberg
Parah, Mordecai Schwartz
Tohorot, Yair Furstenberg
Miqva'ot, Yonatan Adler
Niddah, Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
Makhshirin, Hannah Harrington
Zavim, Shlomo Zuckier
Tevul Yom, David Levine
Yadayim, Leib Moscovitz
Uqtsin, Richard Hidary
Index of Biblical Passages, Herbert Danby
Glossary of Untranslated Hebrew Terms, Robert Goldenberg and Leonard Gordon
Weights, Measures, and Currency, Herbert Danby
Index of Subjects

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