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Perfect Phrases for ESL Advancing Your Career

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-05-13
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill
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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


Expert help for polishing your English skills for the workplaceYou are on an upward career track, but English still may give you a bit of trouble. Do not let language get in your way to success!Perfect Phrases ESL: Advancing Your Careerhelps you say the right words at the right time in any situation. Author and ESL specialist Natalie Gast introduces you to scenarios, business slang, and other linguistic issues that typical language texts don't go into--for example, the nuances of dealing with conflict, your attitude at work, the written word, and job-seeking skills for a newcomer to the language. Developed for career track professionals in the global workplace who lead meetings, conduct performance evaluations, write management reports, and much more. Hundreds of helpful English phrases for everyday communication.Topics include: How To Use This Book; Getting Down To Business; You and Your Attitude at Work; Becoming Indispensable; Time Management; Communication Is the Key; Dealing with Conflicts; The Written Word; Applications, Checks, and Other Forms; E-mails and Faxes; Memos, Notes, and Letters; Larger Writing Projects; Proofread Everything; Moving On Up; Networking for Stepping Up; Job Applications, Resumes and Cover Letters; Job Interviews; Follow-up; Participating in and Leading Meetings; Meeting Protocol and Etiquette; Brainstorming and Decision-Making Meetings; Team and Department Meetings; Videoconferencing, Teleconferencing, and Webinars; Professional Development; Self Evaluation; Giving and Accepting Feedback; Job Coaching; Performance Evaluation Meetings; Resources for Professional Development; Self Confidence and Selling Yourself, in a Nutshell

Author Biography

Natalie Gast is the founder and principal of Customized Language Skills Training, a full-service language training company established in 1986. CLST, among other services, provides tailor-made, onsite programs, such as English as a Second Language (ESL), Accent Modification, and Presentation Skills and Writing Skills for the Foreign Born--in business and industry. Her company also “trains the trainer” in ESL subjects and on supervising and coaching multicultural workforces. Gast has a master's degree in TESOL and had previously been a college instructor.

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