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Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives for Advanced Nursing Practice

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-12-19
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

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Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives for Advanced Nursing Practice, Fifth Edition continues as an essential source for articles addressing both philosophical and theoretical topics with an emphasis on evidence-based practice, values, person-centered care, and global perspectives. Similar to the previous edition, the Fifth Edition features a more selective and contemporary range of views and articles. In addition to comprehensive section openers, the selected articles enable students not only to understand nursing theories but also apply them effectively in nursing practice. Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives for Advanced Nursing Practice, Fifth Edition contains expanded introductory sections, new material on evidence-based practice addressing patient autonomy and control of care, and discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

Table of Contents

Part1 The Nursing Discipline and the Development of Nursing Knowledge
Chapter1 Values-Based Practice and Evidence-Based Care: Pursuing Fundamental Questions in Nursing Philosophy and Theory
Chapter2 Structuring Nursing Knowledge: A priority for creating nursing's future
Chapter3 Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing
Chapter4 The State of Nursing Science: Hallmarks of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Chapter5 What Constitutes Nursing Science
Chapter6 Nursing Theory-Based Practice: What It Is and What It Is Not
Chapter7 A Practice Discipline that's Here and Now
PartII Conceptualizations of Human Beings, Health, Environment and Nursing Practice
Chapter8 Nursing, the Ontology of the Discipline
Chapter9 Philosophic Position on Nature of Human Being Foundational to Orem's Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory
Chapter10 Reframing Outcomes: Enhancing Personhood
Chapter11 Expressing Health through Lifestyle Patterns
Chapter12 Healing as Appreciating Wholeness
Chapter13 Thinking Upstream: Nurturing a Conceptual Understanding of the Societal Context of Health Behavior
Chapter14 Environmental Paradigms: Moving Toward an Ecocentric Perspective
Chapter15 Nursing Science: The Transformation of Practice
Chapter16 A Dialectical Examination of Nursing Art
Chapter17 A Conceptual Framework for Person-Centered Practice with Older People
Chapter18 Relational Practice and Nursing Obligations
PartIII Contemporary Perspectives of Nursing
Chapter19 Nursing Knowledge and Human Science: Ontological and Epistemological Considerations
Chapter20 Professionalism and the Evolution of Nursing as a Discipline: A Feminist Perspective
Chapter21 Rapture and Suffering with Technology in Nursing
Chapter22 Exploring an Alternative Metaphor for Nursing: Relinquishing Military Images and Language
Chapter23 Nursing Science in the Global Community
Chapter24 Nursing Practice with Aboriginal Communities: Expanding Worldviews
PartIV Interrelationships Among Nursing Theory, Research, and Practice
Chapter25 Optimizing Nursing Care by Integrating Theory-Driven Evidence-Based Practice
Chapter26 On Nursing Theories and Evidence
Chapter27 Evidence-Based Practice: Critique and Alternative View
PartV The Future of Advanced Nursing Practice
Chapter28 Theory-Based Advanced Nursing Practice
Chapter29 What will count as evidence in the year 2050?
Chapter30 An Ontological View of Advanced Practice Nursing
Chapter31 The Nurse Scholar of the 21st Century
Chapter32 Theoretical and Philosophical Horizons for Nursing Practice

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