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Philosophy of Mind

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-12-28
  • Publisher: Routledge

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The philosophy of mind has long been part of the core philosophy curriculum, and this book is the classic, comprehensive survey of the subject. Designed as an introduction to the field for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students,Philosophy of Mindfocuses on the mindbody problem and related issues, some touching on the status of psychology and cognitive science. The third edition has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect developments of the past decade, and it is the only text of its kind that provides a serious and respectful treatment of substance dualism. This edition also includes two new chapters on the nature of consciousness and the status of consciousness. Improved readability and clarity has been one important aim of the new edition. Throughout the text, author Jaegwon Kim allows readers to come to their own terms with the central problems of the mind. At the same time, Kimrs"s own emerging views are on display and serve to move the discussion forward. Comprehensive, clear, and fair,Philosophy of Mindis a model of philosophical exposition and a significant contribution to the field.

Author Biography

Jaegwon Kim is William Perry Faunce Professor of Philosophy at Brown University. He is the author of Supervenience and Mind; Mind in a Physical World; Physicalism, or Something Near Enough; Essays in the Metaphysics of Mind; and many important papers on the philosophy of mind, metaphysics, epistemology, and the philosophy of science.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. ix
Introductionp. 1
What Is Philosophy of Mind?p. 2
Metaphysical Preliminariesp. 5
Mind-Body Superveniencep. 8
Materialism and Physicalismp. 11
Varieties of Mental Phenomenap. 14
Is There a "Mark of the Mental"?p. 17
For Further Readingp. 28
Notesp. 28
Mind as Immaterial Substance: Descartes's Dualismp. 31
Descartes's Interactionist Substance Dualismp. 32
Why Minds and Bodies Are Distinct: Some Argumentsp. 35
Princess Elisabeth Against Descartesp. 46
The "Pairing Problem": Another Causal Argumentp. 50
Immaterial Minds in Space?p. 54
Substance Dualism and Property Dualismp. 56
For Further Readingp. 58
Notesp. 58
Mind and Behavior: Behaviorismp. 61
The Cartesian Theater and the "Beetle in the Box"p. 63
What Is Behavior?p. 66
Logical Behaviorism: A Positivist Argumentp. 68
A Behavioral Translation of "Paul Has a Toothache"p. 70
Difficulties with Behavioral Definitionsp. 71
Do Pains Entail Pain Behavior?p. 76
Ontological Behaviorismp. 78
The Real Relationship Between Pain and Pain Behaviorp. 80
Behaviorism in Psychologyp. 82
Why Behavior Matters to Mindp. 86
For Further Readingp. 87
Notesp. 88
Mind as the Brain: The Psychoneural Identity Theoryp. 91
Mind-Brain Correlationsp. 91
Making Sense of Mind-Brain Correlationsp. 93
The Argument from Simplicityp. 98
Explanatory Arguments for Psychoneural Identityp. 102
An Argument from Mental Causationp. 110
Against Psychoneural Identity Theoryp. 114
Reductive and Nonreductive Physicalismp. 122
For Further Readingp. 125
Notesp. 126
Mind as a Computing Machine: Machine Functionalismp. 129
Multiple Realizability and the Functional Conception of Mindp. 130
Functional Properties and Their Realizers: Definitionsp. 134
Functionalism and Behaviorismp. 136
Turing Machinesp. 139
Physical Realizers of Turing Machinesp. 144
Machine Functionalism: Motivations and Claimsp. 147
Machine Functionalism: Further Issuesp. 151
Can Machines Think? The Turing Testp. 156
Computationalism and the "Chinese Room"p. 160
For Further Readingp. 165
Notesp. 65
Mind as a Causal System: Causal-Theoretical Functionalismp. 169
The Ramsey-Lewis Methodp. 170
Choosing an Underlying Psychologyp. 172
Functionalism as Physicalism: Psychological Realityp. 177
Objections and Difficultiesp. 179
Roles Versus Realizers: The Status of Cognitive Sciencep. 186
For Further Readingp. 189
Notesp. 190
Mental Causationp. 193
Agency and Mental Causationp. 195
Mental Causation, Mental Realism, and Epiphenomenalismp. 197
Psychophysical Laws and "Anomalous Monism"p. 202
Is Anomalous Monism a Form of Epiphenomenalism?p. 207
Counterfactuals to the Rescue?p. 209
Physical Causal Closure and the "Exclusion Argument"p. 214
The "Supervenience Argument" and Epiphenomenalismp. 217
Further Issues: The Extrinsicness of Mental Statesp. 220
For Further Readingp. 223
Notesp. 224
Mental Contentp. 227
Interpretation Theoryp. 228
The Causal-Correlational Approach: Informational Semanticsp. 235
Misrepresentation and the Teleological Approachp. 239
Narrow Content and Wide Content: Content Externalismp. 241
The Metaphysics of Wide Content Statesp. 248
Is Narrow Content Possible?p. 251
Two Problems for Content Externalismp. 254
For Further Readingp. 258
Notesp. 259
What Is Consciousness?p. 263
Some Views on Consciousnessp. 264
Nagel and His Inscrutable Batsp. 267
Phenomenal Consciousness and Access Consciousnessp. 271
Consciousness and Subjectivityp. 280
Does Consciousness Involve Higher-Order Perception or Thought?p. 283
Transparency of Experience and Qualia Representationalismp. 289
For Further Readingp. 295
Notesp. 296
Consciousness and the Mind-Body Problemp. 301
The "Explanatory Gap" and the "Hard Problem"p. 302
Does Consciousness Supervene on Physical Properties?p. 306
Closing the Explanatory Gap: Reduction and Reductive Explanationp. 311
Functional Analysis and Reductive Explanationp. 315
Consciousness and Brain Sciencep. 317
What Mary, the Supervision Scientist, Didn't Knowp. 323
The Limits of Physicalismp. 326
For Further Readingp. 333
Notesp. 334
Referencesp. 339
Indexp. 355
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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