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Physical Anthropology and Archaeology with Living Anthropology Student CD and PowerWeb

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-03-10
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $129.60


This concise text offers both a serious scientific introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology and a holistic approach to the course. Interspersed through it, innovative "Bringing It All Together" essays show how anthropology's subfields and dimensions combine to interpret and explain a common topic. In addition, every new copy of the second edition is packaged free with a new student CD-ROM as well as PowerWeb!

Table of Contents

About the Author



Part One: The Dimensions of Anthropology

Chapter 1: What Is Anthropology?

Human Adaptability

Adaptation, Variation, and Change

General Anthropology

Cultural Forces Shape Human Biology

The Subdisciplines of Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology
Archaeological Anthropology
Biological, or Physical Anthropology
Interesting Issues: Even Anthropologists Get Culture Shock
Beyond the Classroom: The Utility of Hand and Foot Bones for Problems in Biological Anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology

Applied Anthropology

Anthropology and Other Academic Fields

Cultural Anthropology and Sociology
Anthropology and Psychology

Science, Explanation, and Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 2: Applying Anthropology

What Is Applied Anthropology?

The Role of the Applied Anthrropologist

Academic and Applied Anthropology

Theory and Practice

Anthropology and Education

Urban Anthropology

Urban versus Rural

Medical Anthropology

Beyond the Classroom: New Life, Good Health

Anthropology and Business

Careers and Anthropology

Interesting Issues: Hot Asset in Corporate: Anthropology Degrees

Part 2: Physical Anthropology and Archaeology

Chapter 3: Ethics and Methods in Physical Anthropology and Archaeology




Multidisciplinary Approaches
Bone Biology
Molecular Anthropology
Interesting Issues: A Novel Method of Assessing Why People Cooperate

Survey and Excavation

Systematic Survey

Kinds of Archaeology

Dating the Past

Relative Dating
Absolute Dating: Radiometric Techniques
Absolute Dating: Dendrochronology
Molecular Dating

Chapter 4: Evolution and Genetics



Mendel's Experiments
Independent Assortment and Recombination

Biochemical, or Molecular Genetics

Cell Division
Crossing Over

Population Genetics and Mechanisms of Genetic Evolution

Natural Selection
Interesting Issues: Genetic Politics
Mutations and Variety
Random Genetic Drift
Gene Flow

The Modern Synthesis

Gradual or Rapid Change

Chapter 5: Human Variation and Adaptation

Race: A Discredited Concept in Biology

Races Are Not Biologically Distinct
Interesting Issues: American Anthropological Association (AAA) Statement on "Race"
Explaining Skin Color

Human Biological Adaptation

Genes and Disease
Beyond the Classroom: Skin Pigmentation in Papua New Guinea
Facial Features
Size and Body Build
Lactose Tolerance

Chapter 6: The Primates

Our Place among Primates

Homologies and Analogies

Primate Tendencies



Beyond the Classroom: Providing Apes Refuge: A Cultural Study of the Great Ape Sanctuary Community


New World Monkeys
Old World Monkeys


Interesting Issues: Saving the Orangutan

Endangered Primates

Human-Primate Similarities

Predation and Hunting
Aggression and Resources

Human-Primate Differences

Sharing and Cooperation
Mating and Kinship

Behavioral Ecology and Fitness

Bringing It All Together: Saving the Forests

Chapter 7: Primate Evolution

Fossils and Chronology

Early Primates

Early Cenozoic Primates
Oligocene Anthropoids

Miocene Hominoids

Beyond the Classroom: A Behavioral Ecology Study of Two Lemur Species
Afropithecus and Kenyapithecus

A Missing Link?

Pierolapithecus catalaunicus

Orrorin tugenensis

Chapter 8: Early Hominids

Chronology of Hominid Evolution

The Earliest Hominids

Ardipithecus and Kenyanthropus

The Varied Australopithecines

Australopithecus afarensis
Gracile and Robust Austalopithecines

The Austalopithecines and Early Homo

H. rudolfensis and H. habilis

Oldowan Tools

A. garhi and Early Stone Tools
Beyond the Classroom: Hydrodynamic Sorting of Avian Skeletal Remains

Chapter 9: The Genus Homo

Early Homo

Out of Africa: Homo erectus

Interesting Issues: Headstrong Hominids

Paleolithic Tools
Adaptive Strategies of Homo erectus
The Evolution and Expansion of Homo erectus

Archaic Homo sapiens

The Neandertals

Cold-Adapted Neandertals
The Neandertals and Modern People

Homo Sapiens Sapiens (AMHs)

Out of Africa II
Multiregional Evolution
Advances in Technology
Glacial Retreat
Cave Art
Interesting Issues: Prehistoric Art Treasure Is Found in French Cave
The Mesolithic
Beyond the Classroom: Paleolithic Butchering at Verberie

Bringing It All Together: When Did Humans Start Acting Like Humans?

Chapter 10: The First Farmers

The Neolithic

The First Farmers and Herders in the Middle East

Genetic Changes and Domestication
Food Production and the State

Other Old World Food Producers

The African Neolithic
The Neolithic in Europe and Asia

The First American Farmers

America's First Immigrants
The Foundations of Food Production
Early Farming in the Mexican Highlands
From Early Farming to the State

Explaining the Neolithic

Beyond the Classroom: House Construction and Destruction Patterns of the Early Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain
Geography and the Spread of Food Production

Costs and Benefits

Chapter 11: The First Cities and States

The Origin of State

Hydraulic Systems
Long-Distance Trade Routes
Population, War, and Circumscription

Attributes of States

State Formation in the Middle East

Urban Life
The Elite Level
Social Ranking and Chiefdoms
How Ethnography Helps in Interpreting the Archaeological Record
Advanced Chiefdoms
The Rise of State

Other Early States

Beyond the Classroom: The Akhenaten Temple Project
African Sates

State Formation in Mesoamerica

Early Chiefdoms and Elites
States in the Valley of Mexico

Why States Collapse

The Mayan Decline
Interesting Issues: Pseudo-Archaeology

Bringing It All Together: The Peopling of the Pacific

Appendix 1: A History of Theories in Anthropology

Appendix 2: Ethics and Anthropology




Name Index

Subject Index

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