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Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of an Author

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-01-10
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press

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Since its explosive premiere in Rome in 1921, Six Characters in Search of an Author has gained worldwide recognition. Pirandello's challenge to the very notion of stage representation was taken up by the leading directors of the time. The playwright incorporated details from the early performances into his revised text, which he directed himself in 1925. Jennifer Lorch examines the two texts in the context of different theatrical traditions and traces Pirandello's growing awareness of the development of advanced theatrical facilities outside Italy. She also offers an analysis of selected productions of the play in Italy, England, France, the USA, Germany and Russia in both commercial and avant-garde theatres. This comprehensive study includes a production chronology, bibliography and illustrations from major productions.

Table of Contents

List of illustrations ix
General preface xi
Acknowledgements xii
Introduction 1(154)
1 Six Characters in Search of an Author - the play (1921)
2 The first production: Teatro Valle, Rome, 9 May 1921, directed by Dario Niccodemi
3 Two early productions in London and New York (1922)
4 Pitoëffs production in Paris (1923)
5 Reinhardt's production in Berlin (1924)
6 Pirandello's production of the 1925 text (1925)
7 Six Characters on the Italian stage (1936-1993)
8 Two English productions (1929 and 1963)
9 Becoming part of national theatre in France and England
10 Making Six Characters accessible: Robert Brustein and Richard Jones 155(15)
11 Pushing at the frontiers of theatre: Klaus Michael Gruber and Anatoli Vasiliev 170(25)
12 A brief look at Six Characters in other media 195(4)
Conclusion 199(5)
Select production chronology 204(6)
Notes 210(29)
Select bibliography 239(8)
Index 247

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