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Planning Programs for Adult Learners A Practical Guide

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-03-30
  • Publisher: Jossey-Bass

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Strengthen your adult education program planning with this essential guide

Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition is an interactive, practical, and essential guide for anyone involved with planning programs for adult learners. Containing extensive updates, refinements, and revisions to this celebrated book, this edition prepares those charged with planning programs for adult learners across a wide variety of settings.  

  • Spanning a variety of crucial subjects, this book will teach readers how to:
  • Plan, organize, and complete other administrative tasks with helpful templates and practical guides
  • Focus on challenges of displacement, climate change, economic dislocation, and inequality
  • Plan programs using current and emerging digital delivery tools and techniques including virtual and augmented reality

Planning Programs for Adult Learners provides an international perspective and includes globally relevant examples and research that will inform and transform your program planning process. Perfect for adult educators and participants in continuing education programs for adults, the book will also be illuminating for graduate students in fields including education, nursing, human resource development, and more.

Author Biography

SANDRA RATCLIFF DAFFRON is a program planner, professional educator, project and program director, administrator, and organizational executive in the U.S. and the Middle East. She has extensive experience working with lawyers, judges, teachers, correctional educators, physicians, military trainers, and graduate students. She is Professor Emeritus of Adult and Continuing Education at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington.

ROSEMARY S. CAFFARELLA is an emerita professor of education in the College of Agriculture and Life Science at Cornell University. Her research and writing activities have focused on adult development and learning, and program planning and evaluation. She has authored or coauthored a number of books, including the award-winning Learning in Adulthood.

Table of Contents

Figures and Exhibits ix

Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xix

Dedication xxi

The Authors xxiii

1 Planning Programs for Adults: What It’s About Today, Tomorrow, and into the Future 1

2 Introducing the Interactive Model 29

3 Planning Programs in Difficult Times Using Technological Tools 55

4 Exploring the Foundations of Program Planning 91

5 Discerning the Context 115

6 Building Support and Identifying Needs 145

7 Developing Program Goals and Objectives 181

8 Designing Instruction 211

9 Transfer of Training: Adult Education and Workplace Learning 249

10 Formulating Program Evaluation Plans 283

11 Selecting Formats, Scheduling, and Staffing Programs 311

12 Preparing and Managing Budgets 343

13 Marketing Programs 379

14 It’s All in the Details 407

15 Using the Interactive Model and Looking to the Future 441

References 461

Index 511

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