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Practical Packet Analysis, 3rd Edition Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-03-30
  • Publisher: No Starch Press
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $49.99 Save up to $20.00
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It’s easy to capture packets with Wireshark, the world’s most popular network sniffer, whether off the wire or from the air. But how do you use those packets to understand what’s happening on your network?

Updated to cover Wireshark 2.x, the third edition of Practical Packet Analysis will teach you to make sense of your packet captures so that you can better troubleshoot network problems. You’ll find added coverage of IPv6 and SMTP, a new chapter on the powerful command line packet analyzers tcpdump and TShark, and an appendix on how to read and reference packet values using a packet map.

Practical Packet Analysis will show you how to:
–Monitor your network in real time and tap live network communications
–Build customized capture and display filters
–Use packet analysis to troubleshoot and resolve common network problems, like loss of connectivity, DNS issues, and slow speeds
–Explore modern exploits and malware at the packet level
–Extract files sent across a network from packet captures
–Graph traffic patterns to visualize the data flowing across your network
–Use advanced Wireshark features to understand confusing captures
–Build statistics and reports to help you better explain technical network information to non-techies

No matter what your level of experience is, Practical Packet Analysis will show you how to use Wireshark to make sense of any network and get things done.

Author Biography

Chris Sanders is a computer security consultant, researcher, and educator. He is the author of Applied Network Security Monitoring and blogs regularly at ChrisSanders.org. Chris uses packet analysis daily to catch bad guys and find evil.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Packet Analysis and Network Basics
Chapter 2: Tapping into the Wire
Chapter 3: Introduction to Wireshark
Chapter 4: Working with Captured Packets
Chapter 5: Advanced Wireshark Features
Chapter 6: Packet Analysis on the Command Line
Chapter 7: Network Layer Protocols
Chapter 8: Transport Layer Protocols
Chapter 9: Common Upper-Layer Protocols
Chapter 10: Basic Real-World Scenarios
Chapter 11: Fighting a Slow Network
Chapter 12: Packet Analysis for Security
Chapter 13: Wireless Packet Analysis
Appendix A: Further Reading
Appendix B: Navigating Packets

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