"Prey for Me" is the story of Josh Cody, who after retiring has returned to the small town in eastern Montana where he grew up. Bored, Cody goes back to his roots and begins working part-time at the local newspaper. The quiet town of Miles City is turned on its head when it experiences two horrific murders of two young girls. Cody finds himself immersed in the investigation by association of his work at the newspaper and his friendship with a new priest at the local Catholic parish. Cody could've never expected that this is how Miles City would greet him upon his return, but he is soon to find that uncovering the truth will have him towing a thin line.
Father James Riley has arrived at the parish under unusual circumstances, which catches Cody's attention. While the official investigation into the murders stalls, Cody launches his own inquiry but struggles with keeping his efforts secret from the priest and from the newspaper, especially the young staff reporter who he is mentoring. It is a tricky slope to traverse, but Cody will do what it takes to don the responsibility and make things right in this thrilling murder-mystery you won't want to miss.