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Procedure Checklists for Wilkinson's Fundamentals of Nursing

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2023-11-21
  • Publisher: F.A. Davis Company

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Procedure Checklists for Wilkinson's Fundamentals of Nursing [ISBN: 9781719651493] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Treas, Leslie S.; Barnett, Karen L.; Smith, Mable H.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


All of the must-know procedures…all in one place!
Assess your progress.
Checklists for over 165 common nursing procedures thoroughly reviewed and updated, ensure a consistent experience with the procedures presented in Wilkinson's Fundamentals of Nursing, 5th Edition and Basic Nursing, 3rd Edition.
Begin with the principle-based checklist that you’ll use with all the procedures. Then, for each individual procedure, you’ll follow and check off all of the steps in the order that they must be performed to ensure the safety of both the patient and the nurse.
Put your knowledge to work and use these checklists to practice your skills or to participate in peer check offs.

Table of Contents

Principles-Based Checklist to Use With All Procedures
Chapter 6

Assessing for Abuse
Chapter 8
Admitting a Patient to a Nursing Unit
Transferring a Patient to Another Unit in the Agency
Transferring a Patient to a Long-Term Care Facility
Discharging a Patient From the Healthcare Facility
Chapter 18
Assessing Body Temperature
Assessing Peripheral Pulses
Assessing the Apical Pulse
Assessing for an Apical–Radial Pulse Deficit
Assessing Respirations
Measuring Blood Pressure
Chapter 19
Performing the General Survey
Assessing the Skin
Assessing the Hair
Assessing the Nails
Assessing the Head and Face
Assessing the Eyes
Assessing the Ears and Hearing
Assessing the Nose and Sinuses
Assessing the Mouth and Oropharynx
Assessing the Neck
Assessing the Breasts and Axillae
Assessing the Chest and Lungs
Assessing the Heart and Vascular System
Assessing the Abdomen
Assessing the Musculoskeletal System
Assessing the Sensory-Neurological System
Assessing the Male Genitourinary System
Assessing the Female Genitourinary System
Assessing the Anus and Rectum
Brief Bedside Assessment
Chapter 20
Hand Hygiene
Donning Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Removing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Surgical Hand Washing (Traditional Method)
Surgical Hand Washing (Brushless System)
Sterile Gown and Gloves (Closed Method)
Sterile Gloves (Open Method)
Sterile Fields
Chapter 21
Using Bed and Chair Monitoring Devices
Using Restraints
Chapter 22
Bathing: Providing a Complete Bed Bath Using a Prepackaged Bathing Product
Bathing: Using a Basin and Water
Providing Perineal Care
Providing Foot Care
Brushing and Flossing the Teeth
Providing Denture Care
Providing Oral Care for an Unconscious Patient
Shampooing the Hair
Providing Beard and Mustache Care
Shaving a Patient
Removing and Caring for Contact Lenses
Caring for Artificial Eyes
Caring for Hearing Aids
Making an Unoccupied Bed
Making an Occupied Bed
Chapter 23
Medication Guidelines: Steps to Follow for All Medications, Regardless of Type or Route
Administering Oral Medications
Administering Medication Through an Enteral Tube
Administering Ophthalmic Medication
Irrigating the Eyes
Administering Otic Medication
Administering Nasal Medication
Administering Vaginal Medication
Inserting a Rectal Suppository
Applying Medication to Skin
Administering Metered-Dose Inhaler Medication
Drawing Up Medication From Ampules
Drawing Up Medication From Vials
Preparing and Drawing Up Medication: Mixing Medications From Two Vials
Mixing Medications From One Ampule and One Vial
Using a Prefilled Cartridge and Single-Dose Vial—For Intravenous Administration
Recapping Needles Using One-Handed Technique
Administering Intradermal Medication
Administering Subcutaneous Medication
Locating Intramuscular Injection Sites
Administering Intramuscular Injections
Adding Medications to Intravenous Fluids
Administering IV Push Medications Through a Primary IV Line
Administering IV Push Medications Through an Intermittent Device (IV Lock) When No Extension Tubing Is Attached to the Venous Access Device
Administering IV Push Medications Through an Intermittent Device With IV Extension Tubing
Using a Piggyback Administration Set With a Gravity Infusion
Using a Piggyback Administration Set With an Infusion Pump
Using a Volume-Control Administration Set
Administering Medication Through a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD)
Chapter 24
Checking Fingerstick (Capillary) Blood Glucose Levels
Inserting Nasogastric and Nasoenteric Tubes
Administering Feedings Through Gastric and Enteric Tubes with an Infusion Pump
Administering Feedings Through Gastric and Enteric Tubes Using an Open System: Syringe
Removing a Nasogastric or Nasoenteric Tube
Administering Parenteral Nutrition
Administering Lipids
Chapter 25
Measuring Postvoid Residual Urine Volume with a Portable Bladder Scanner
Collecting a Clean-Catch Urine Specimen
Obtaining a Sterile Urine Specimen From a Catheter
Collecting a 24-Hour Urine Specimen
Inserting an Intermittent Urinary Catheter (Straight Catheter) (Female)
Inserting an Intermittent Urinary Catheter (Straight Catheter) (Male)
Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter (Female)
Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter (Male)
Applying an External (Condom) Catheter
Removing an Indwelling Catheter
Intermittent Bladder or Catheter Irrigation
Continuous Bladder Irrigation
Chapter 26
Testing Stool for Occult Blood
Placing and Removing a Bedpan
Administering an Enema
Removing Stool Digitally
Inserting a Rectal Tube
Changing an Ostomy Appliance
Irrigating a Colostomy
Placing Fecal Drainage Devices
Chapter 27
Performing Otic Irrigation
Chapter 28
Setting Up and Managing Patient-Controlled Analgesia by Pump
Chapter 29
Moving a Patient Up in Bed
Turning a Patient in Bed
Logrolling a Patient
Transferring a Patient From Bed to Stretcher
Dangling a Patient at the Side of the Bed
Transferring a Patient From Bed to Chair
Assisting With Ambulation (One Nurse)
Assisting With Ambulation (Two Nurses)
Chapter 32
Obtaining a Wound Culture by Swab
Performing a Sterile Wound Irrigation
Taping a Dressing
Removing and Applying Dry Dressings
Removing and Applying Wet-to-Damp Dressings
Applying a Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Device
Applying and Removing a Transparent Film Dressing
Applying a Hydrating Dressing (Hydrocolloid or Hydrogel)
Placing Skin Closures
Applying Binders
Applying Bandages
Removing Sutures and Staples
Shortening a Wound Drain
Emptying a Closed Wound Drainage System
Chapter 33
Collecting an Expectorated Sputum Specimen
Collecting a Suctioned Sputum Specimen
Monitoring Pulse Oximetry (Arterial Oxygen Saturation)
Performing Percussion, Vibration, and Postural Drainage
Administering Oxygen (by Cannula, Face Mask, or Face Tent)
Tracheostomy Care Using Sterile Technique
Performing Tracheostomy or Endotracheal Suctioning (Open System)
Performing Tracheostomy or Endotracheal Suctioning (Inline Closed System)
Performing Orotracheal Suctioning (Open System)
Performing Nasotracheal Suctioning (Open System)
Performing Upper Airway Suctioning
Caring for Patients Requiring Mechanical Ventilation
Setting Up Disposable Chest Drainage Systems
Inserting an Oropharyngeal Airway
Inserting a Nasopharyngeal Airway
Chapter 34
Performing Cardiac Monitoring
Chapter 35
Initiating a Peripheral Intravenous Infusion
Regulating the IV Flow Rate
Setting Up and Using Volume-Control Pumps
Changing IV Solutions and Tubing
Changing IV Dressings

Supplemental Materials

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