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Public Speaking The Evolving Art, Enhanced Edition (with Resource Center, Enhanced eBook, Web Site, Interactive Video, Audio Study Tool, InfoTrac 1-Semester Printed Access Card)

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-01-01
  • Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
  • View Upgraded Edition
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $116.00


PUBLIC SPEAKING: THE EVOLVING ART, ENHANCED EDITION, is the first book and integrated technology package to meet the expectations of today's users while both preserving and offering innovative variations on the well-respected traditions of public speaking instruction. Throughout the book, readers benefit from the examples of four peer mentors--real people who have successfully completed the public speaking course--via short video segments designed to bring concepts and strategies to life. PUBLIC SPEAKING: THE EVOLVING ART, ENHANCED EDITION, is now available with Speech Studio. Speech Studio is an online video upload and grading program that improves the learning comprehension of public speaking users. This unique resource empowers users with new assessment capability applicable for traditional, online, and hybrid courses.

Table of Contents

Getting Started
The Evolving Art of Public Speaking
Building Your Confidence
Ethical Speaking and Listening
Developing And Researching Your SPEECH
Developing Your Purpose and Topic.
Adapting to Your Audience
Researching Your Topic
Supporting Your Ideas
Organizing and Outlining Your Speech
Beginning and Ending Your Speech
Presenting Yourself And Your Ideas
Using Language Effectively
Integrating Presentational Media
Delivering Your Speech
Speaking Situations
Speaking to Inform
Speaking to Persuade
Understanding Argument in Persuasion
Special Occasion and Group Speaking
Appendix: Speeches and Outlines for Analysis
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

Supplemental Materials

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