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Quest for the Living God Mapping Frontiers in the Theology of God

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  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-07-21
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

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Concerned with new frontiers in our understanding of God, this book aims to spread the light of theological knowledge, 'ever ancient, ever new'.

Author Biography

Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J., is a distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University, USA. She has received numerous awards, including the Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for She Who Is (1993), the American Academy of Religion Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion for Friends of God and Prophets (1999), and the Book Award of the College Theology Society for Truly Our Sister (2004). She was also the recipient of the John Courtney Murray Award of the Catholic Theological Society of America, the Jerome Award of the Catholic Library Association, and the Monika K. Hellwig Award of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. xi
Introductionp. 1
Ancient Story, New Chapterp. 7
From the Beginningp. 7
People of the Bookp. 10
Why the Search?p. 12
Point of Departure: Modern Theismp. 14
Ground Rules for the Journeyp. 17
High Stakesp. 22
Gracious Mystery, Ever Greater, Ever Nearerp. 25
Context: A Secular Worldp. 25
Winterp. 28
Mystery Ever Greaterp. 31
Starting with the Humanp. 31
The Whither of Our Self-transcendencep. 35
Mystery Ever Nearerp. 39
Incarnationp. 39
Gracep. 41
Holy Mysteryp. 42
Love of God and Neighborp. 44
The Crucified God of Compassionp. 49
Context: Unspeakable Sufferingp. 49
The Failure of Theodicyp. 51
Three Young Germansp. 53
The God of Pathosp. 56
Central Visionp. 58
The Crucified Godp. 60
The Silent Cryp. 62
Passion for Godp. 65
Rememberingp. 65
Lamentingp. 66
Mystical-Political Discipleshipp. 68
Liberating God of Lifep. 70
Context: Wretched Povertyp. 70
Intuition of Gods Presence and Actionp. 73
Hebrew Biblep. 74
New Testamentp. 76
The God of Lifep. 78
The True God against Idolsp. 79
The God of Holy Mysteryp. 81
Fully Alivep. 82
Praxis of Biblical Justicep. 83
God Acting Womanish
Context: Women's Experiencep. 90
Societyp. 90
Churchp. 91
ôWoman, you are set freeöp. 92
Diversityp. 93
Glimpse of Divine Presence and Actionp. 96
The Graven Imagep. 97
Mother Godp. 100
Holy Wisdomp. 103
A Symphony of Symbolsp. 106
The Danger of Dualismp. 108
Praxis of Biblical Justice for Womenp. 109
God Who Breaks Chainsp. 113
Context: White Privilege and Racismp. 113
The Kernelp. 114
Idea of Godp. 116
Spiritualsp. 117
Black Liberation Theologyp. 122
Womanist Survival Theology A Sharper Focusp. 128
Praxis of Racial Justicep. 130
Accompanying God of Fiestap. 133
Context: La Luchap. 133
Two Conquestsp. 134
Mestizaje/Mixingp. 135
Popular Religionp. 136
Doing Theology Latinamentep. 139
Our Ladyp. 141
The God Who Accompaniesp. 142
Three Principlesp. 145
The God of Fiestap. 146
To the Futurep. 149
Generous God of the Religionsp. 153
Context: Religious Pluralismp. 153
The Back Story in Church Teachingp. 155
First Questionp. 155
Second Questionp. 156
Third Questionp. 158
Brakesp. 160
Glimpse of God from Dialoguep. 161
Dialogue of Lifep. 163
Dialogue of Actionp. 164
Dialogue of Theological Exchangep. 166
Dialogue of Religious Experiencep. 170
A Bountiful Godp. 174
Jesus Christp. 175
One Multifaceted Planp. 177
The Dignity of Differencep. 178
Creator Spirit in the Evolving Worldp. 181
The Vivifierp. 181
The Natural Worldp. 183
Wonderp. 183
Wastingp. 185
Divine Presencep. 187
Continuous Presencep. 188
The Cruciform Patternp. 189
Abiding in the Mode of Promisep. 190
Divine Agencyp. 191
Chancep. 193
Gracep. 196
Crossp. 196
To Love the Earthp. 197
Trinity: The Living God of Lovep. 202
The Pointp. 202
History of a Breachp. 203
The Point, Againp. 209
Rooted in the Experience of Salvationp. 210
Spoken Allusivelyp. 211
Personp. 211
Numbers One and Threep. 213
Expressed in Concepts of Our Dayp. 214
The Theological Inflectionp. 216
The Christological Inflectionp. 217
The Pneumatological Inflectionp. 218
The Point, Yet Againp. 222
A Most Practical Doctrinep. 222
Epiloguep. 226
Indexp. 229
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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