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Race and Racisms A Critical Approach, Brief Edition

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2015-07-09
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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List Price: $53.28


Race and Racisms, A Critical Approach, Brief Edition, is a topical critical text that engages students in significant questions related to racial dynamics in the United States and around the world. Approximately thirty percent shorter than Golash-Boza's highly acclaimed comprehensive text, the Brief Edition features a streamlined narrative and is enhanced by its own unique features. It is ideal for instructors who want the flexibility to assign additional readings.

Race and Racisms: A Critical Approach engages students in significant questions related to racial dynamics in the U.S. and around the world. Written in accessible, straightforward language, the book discusses and critically analyzes cutting-edge scholarship in the field. Organized into topics and concepts rather than discrete racial groups, the text addresses:

* How and when the idea of race was created and developed
* How structural racism has worked historically to reproduce inequality
* How we have a society rampant with racial inequality, even though most people do not consider themselves to be racist
* How race, class, and gender work together to create inequality and identities
* How immigration policy in the United States has been racialized
* How racial justice could be imagined and realized

Centrally focused on racial dynamics, Race and Racisms, Brief Edition also incorporates an intersectional perspective, discussing the intersections of racism, patriarchy, and capitalism.

Author Biography

Tanya Maria Golash-Boza is Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts at the University of California, Merced.

Table of Contents

Each chapter ends with a Conclusion and Discussion, Thinking about Racial Justice, Key Terms, Check Your Understanding, and Critical Thinking features

Chapter 1: The Origin of the Idea of Race

Defining Race and Ethnicity
Race: The Evolution of an Ideology
- Historical Precedents to the Idea of Race
- Slavery before the Idea of Race
- European Encounters with Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
Voices: The Spanish Treatment of Indigenous Peoples
- The Enslavement of Africans
- The Need for Labor in the Thirteen Colonies
- The Legal Codification of Racial Differences
Voices: From Bullwhip Days
Slavery and the Ideal of Freedom in the United States
The Indian Removal Act: The Continuation of Manifest Destiny
The Rise of Scientific Racism
- European Taxonomies
- Scientific Racism in the Nineteenth Century
- From Taxonomy and Skull Measurement to Intelligence Testing in the Twentieth Century

Chapter 2: Racisms, Racial Ideologies, and Sociological Theories of Racism

Racial Prejudice, Discrimination, and Institutional Racism
- Individual Racism
Voices: Microaggressions
- Institutional Racism
Systemic and Structural Racism
- Systemic Racism
- Structural Racism
Racial Ideologies
- Biological Racism
- Cultural Racism
- Color-Blind Racism
Racial Formation
White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism
Intersectional Theories of Race and Racism
White Privilege

Chapter 3: Racism and Nativism in Immigration Policy

Voices: Robert Bautista-Denied Due Process
The Racialized History of U.S. Immigration Policy
- Race and the Making of U.S. Immigration Policies: 1790 to 1924
- Nativism between 1924 and 1964
- The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act and the Changing Face of Immigration
Illegal Immigration and Policy Response
- The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) and Nativism
- Proposition 187 and the Lead-Up to the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA)
- The 1996 Laws and the Detention and Deportation of Black and Latino Immigrants
Voices: Hector, a Guatemalan Deportee
- The DREAM Act
Nativism in the Twenty-First Century

Chapter 4: The Spread of Ideology: "Controlling Images" and Racism in the Media

Portrayals of People of Color on Television and in Other Media
- Portrayals of Blacks
- Portrayals of Latinos/as
- Portrayals of Arabs and Arab Americans
- Portrayals of Asians and Asian Americans
- Portrayals of Native Americans
- Racial Stereotypes in Films
New Media Representations
- Video Games
- Social Media
Voices: I Am Not Trayvon Martin
Media Images and Racial Inequality
Raced, Classed, and Gendered Media Images

Chapter 5: Colorism and Skin-Color Stratification

The History of Colorism
- The Origins of Colorism in the Americas
- Does Colorism Predate Colonialism? The Origins of Colorism in Asia and Africa
The Global Color Hierarchy
- Asia and Asian Americans
Voices: The Fair-Skin Battle
- Latin America and Latinos/as
- Africa and the African Diaspora
Voices: Colorism and Creole Identity
Skin Color, Gender, and Beauty

Chapter 6: Educational Inequality

The History of Educational Inequality
- Indian Schools
- Segregation and Landmark Court Cases
- The Persistence of Racial Segregation in the Educational System
- Affirmative Action in Higher Education
Educational Inequality Today
The Achievement Gap: Sociological Explanations for Persistent Inequality
- Parental Socioeconomic Status
- Cultural Explanations: "Acting White" and Other Theories
- Tracking
- Social and Cultural Capital and Schooling
- Hidden Curricula and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Voices: Moesha

Chapter 7: Income and Labor Market Inequality

Income Inequality by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
Dimensions of Racial Disparities in the Labor Market
- Disparities among Women
- Disparities among Latinos and Asian Americans
- Underemployment, Unemployment, and Joblessness
Voices: Jarred
Sociological Explanations for Income and Labor Market Inequality
- Individual-Level Explanations
Voices: Francisco Pinto's Experiences in 3-D Jobs
- Structural Explanations
Affirmative Action
Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment

Chapter 8: Inequality in Housing and Wealth

Land Ownership after Slavery
Residential Segregation
- The Creation of Residential Segregation
- Discriminatory and Predatory Lending Practices
Voices: A Tale of Two Families
- Neighborhood Segregation Today
Wealth Inequality
- Inequality in Homeownership and Home Values
- Wealth Inequality beyond Homeownership
Explaining the Wealth Gap in the Twenty-First Century

Chapter 9: Racism and the Criminal Justice System

Mass Incarceration in the United States
- The Rise of Mass Incarceration
- Mass Incarceration in a Global Context
- Race and Mass Incarceration
Voices: Kemba Smith
- The Inefficacy of Mass Incarceration
- Mass Incarceration and the War on Drugs
- Race, Class, Gender, and Mass Incarceration
Institutional Racism in the Criminal Justice System
- Racial Profiling
- Sentencing Disparities
- The Ultimate Sentence: Racial Disparities in the Death Penalty
Voices: Troy Davis
The Economics of Mass Incarceration
- Private Prisons
- The Prison-Industrial Complex
Beyond Incarceration: Collateral Consequences
- The Impact of Mass Incarceration on Families and Children
- The Lifelong Stigma of a Felony: "The New Jim Crow"

Chapter 10: Health Inequalities, Environmental Racism, and Environmental Justice

The History of Health Disparities in the United States
- Involuntary Experimentation on African Americans
- Free Blacks as Mentally and Physically Unfit
Explaining Health Disparities by Race and Ethnicity Today
- Socioeconomic Status and Health Disparities by Race/Ethnicity
- Segregation and Health
- The Effects of Individual Racism on the Health of African Americans
- Life-Course Perspectives on African American Health
- Culture and Health
- Genetics, Race, and Health
Environmental Racism
Voices: The Holt Family of Dickson, Tennessee
Movements for Environmental Justice


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