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Purchase Benefits
General Orientation | |
The Ideological Tensions of Capitalism: Universalism versus Racism and Sexism by Immanuel Wallerstein | |
Cultural Parameters of Sexism and Racism in the International Division of Labor by June Nash | |
The World-System and the Creation of Race and Gender | |
Minorities and the World-System: Theoretical and Political Implications of the Internationalization of Minorities by Martha E. Gimenez | |
Images of Docility: Asian Women and World-Economy by Nancy Melissa Lutz | |
Capital and Gender in the Third World: Theoretical Analysis of the Current Crisis by Peter F. Bell | |
"A Tailor is Nothing Without a Wife, and Very Often a Child": Gender and Labor Force Formation in the New York Garment Industry, 1880-1920 by Kathie Friedman Kasaba | |
Race and Gender and the Creation of Work in the World-System | |
Gender Relations in the World-Economy: Competition in the Textile Industry, 1850-1900 by Ann E. Forsythe and Roberto P. Korzeniewicz | |
Female Resistance to Marginalization: The Igbo Women's War of 1929 by Kathryn B. Ward | |
Degraded Work and Devalued Labor: The Proletarianization of Women in the Semiconductor Industry by John Horton and Eun-Jin Lee | |
"Ethnicity" and "Race" in the Small Business Literature: Some Lessons from the World-Systems Perspective by Richard Williams | |
Uneven Development and the Origins of Split Labor Market Discrimination: A Comparision of Black, Chinese, and Mexican Immigrant Minorities in the United States by Terry Boswell and David Jorjani | |
Asian-American Success in Hawaii: Myth, Reality, or Artifact of Women's Labor by James Geschwender and Rita Carroll-Seguin | |
Bibliography | |
Index |
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