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Reading the New Testament

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-09-30
  • Publisher: Paulist Pr

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Supplemental Materials

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An introduction to the writings of the New Testament, written by a prominent scholar who is able to communicate the main ideas and results with a clear and simple style. This third edition, although leaving intact the structure of the book, has been rewritten extensively, updating the information and adding the results of new biblical approaches and research. Includes new maps and illustrations.

Author Biography

Pheme Perkins is professor of New Testament in the theology department at Boston College. She received her PhD in New Testament and Christian Origins from Harvard University and has served as president of the Catholic Biblical Association and the New England region of the American Academy of Religion. She has written more than twenty-five books.

Table of Contents

Why Study the Bible?p. 1
What Is the New Testament?p. 1
Dating Books in the New Testamentp. 3
The Contents of the New Testamentp. 4
The Bible as Classic and as Canonp. 9
The QurÆanp. 12
Language, Text, and Translationp. 13
Entering the New Testament World: Archaeology and Historyp. 15
The New Testament and Christian Lifep. 19
Summaryp. 21
The World of Jesusp. 24
Galilee, Samaria, and Judeap. 24
The Political and Social Worldp. 30
Religious Parties and Sectsp. 33
Religious Customs and Beliefsp. 36
The Religious Life of the Peoplep. 45
Summaryp. 49
The Messiah, Jesus
The Life of Jesusp. 51
Seeking Jesus of Nazarethp. 51
How the Stories Are Preservedp. 52
Jesus as Teacher and Miracle-Workerp. 62
Jesus and His Followersp. 67
The Trial and Death of Jesusp. 70
Summaryp. 72
The Preaching of Jesusp. 76
Proclaiming the Kingdom of Godp. 76
Parables as a Language of Faithp. 78
Wisdom in the Sayings of Jesusp. 80
Summons to Discipleshipp. 82
Summaryp. 85
The Resurrection of Jesusp. 88
Images of Death and Life in Judaismp. 88
Martyrs and Suffering Righteous Onesp. 89
Resurrection, Vindication, and Judgmentp. 90
The Resurrection of Jesusp. 91
Summaryp. 92
The Beginnings of Christologyp. 95
Asking "Who Is This Jesus?"p. 95
Resurrection, Jesus, and Godp. 96
Jesus as Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man, Lordp. 98
Jesus in Worship: Acclamation and Hymnp. 103
Stories and the Identity of Jesusp. 106
Summaryp. 108
Paul, Missionary Tothe Gentiles
The World of Paulp. 110
Christianity in an Urban Environmentp. 110
Competing Religions and Philosophiesp. 114
Social Status of Pauline Christiansp. 120
The Church and the Forms of Associationp. 123
The Workshop and PaulÆs Missionary Practicep. 125
Summaryp. 127
The Life of Paulp. 129
Sources for Paul's Lifep. 129
Reading a Pauline Letterp. 133
Writing the Letterp. 135
Philemon: Letters and Apostolic Authorityp. 140
Missionary to the Gentiles: 1 and 2 Thessaloniansp. 142
PaulÆs Missionary Associates: Philippiansp. 146
Summaryp. 148
Christians: Jew and Gentilep. 151
Jewish/Gentile Christianity: Its Variationsp. 151
Righteousness, Faith, and the Lawp. 154
Freedom for the Gentiles: Galatiansp. 155
Righteousness and Salvation History: Romansp. 158
Summaryp. 162
Divisions in Corinthp. 164
The Urban Environment of Corinthp. 164
Paul and the Corinthian Communityp. 165
Church as Body of Christ: 1 Corinthiansp. 170
Division and Reconciliation: 2 Corinthiansp. 173
Summaryp. 175
Universalizing Paul's Messagep. 178
Pauline Christianity in Colossians and Ephesiansp. 178
Christ as Lord of the Cosmos: Colossiansp. 182
All United in Christ: Ephesiansp. 185
Summaryp. 186
The Gospels: Four Portraits of Jesus
Mark: Jesus, Suffering Messiahp. 189
The Composition of Markp. 189
Jesus as Powerful Saviorp. 192
Jesus, Suffering Son of Manp. 194
Discipleship in Markp. 196
Summaryp. 197
Matthew: Jesus, Teacher of Israelp. 199
The Composition of Matthewp. 199
The Sermons: Jesus Instructs the Communityp. 203
Jesus as Fulfillment of the Lawp. 205
Discipleship in Matthewp. 208
Summaryp. 210
Luke: Jesus, the Lordp. 212
The Composition of Lukep. 212
The Time of Salvationp. 218
Jesus as Universal Saviorp. 219
Discipleship in Lukep. 221
Summaryp. 222
John: Jesus, the Divine Sonp. 224
The Composition of Johnp. 224
Jesus, the Jews, and the Worldp. 230
Jesus, Revelation of the Fatherp. 231
Discipleship in Johnp. 232
Summaryp. 234
Continuing the Christian Story
Acts: The Gospel to the Nationsp. 236
The Composition of Actsp. 236
The Church in Salvation Historyp. 240
The Apostle Heroes: Peter and Paulp. 243
Discipleship in Actsp. 245
Summaryp. 247
Hebrews: The Heavenly High Priestp. 249
The Thought World of Hebrewsp. 249
Christ as Heavenly High Priestp. 252
Discipleship in Hebrewsp. 254
Summaryp. 256
The Pastoral Epistles: A Pauline Traditionp. 258
The Image of Paul in the Pastoralsp. 258
True Doctrine in the Pastoralsp. 261
Church Organization in the Pastoralsp. 263
Christian Women in the Pastoralsp. 265
Summaryp. 266
The Catholic Epistles: An Apostolic Heritagep. 269
1 Peter, the "Holy People of God"p. 269
James and Jude, the Legacy of Jewish Christianityp. 272
2 Peter, Christian Eschatologyp. 275
Summaryp. 277
The Johannine Epistles: A Church Dividedp. 279
The Story of Johannine Christianityp. 279
1 and 2 John, Christian Fellowship, and the Crisis of Divisionp. 281
3 John, Broken Hospitalityp. 284
Summaryp. 285
Revelation: Christianity and the Empirep. 287
The Composition of Revelationp. 287
The Apocalyptic Imaginationp. 294
The Political Message of Revelationp. 295
Discipleship in Revelationp. 299
Worship with Angels-Revelation as Liturgyp. 300
Summaryp. 301
Bibliography for Further Studyp. 303
Index of Maps, Charts, Illustrations, and Supplemental Textsp. 315
Scripture and Ancient Texts Indexp. 317
Subject Indexp. 325
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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