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Readings in Baptist History Four Centuries of Selected Documents

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-05-01
  • Publisher: B&H Academic

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Readings in Baptist History compiles four centuries of notable religious documents, from John Smyth's "The Character of the Beast" in 1609 all the way to the 2000 revision of the Southern Baptist Convention's "Baptist Faith and Message." This primary source Baptist history book can be used as a companion to larger history texts or stand strongly on its own. In all, it contains key information concerning the theology, origins, conflicts, denominational organization, and historical events of early English Baptists, American Colonial Baptists, Southern Baptists, American Baptists, the Baptist Missionary Association, European Baptists, Baptist Bible Fellowship, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and much more. The book also profiles influential pastors, theologians, missionaries, and Baptist leaders.

Author Biography

Joe Early, Jr. is assistant professor of Religion at the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky.  He holds a degree from Cumberland College (B.S.), Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M. Div.), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ph.D.).

Table of Contents

Prefacep. v
The Character of the Beast, 1609p. 1
Letter to Sir William Hammerton, 1609p. 4
A Declaration of Faith of English People Remaining in Amsterdam in Holland, 1611p. 7
A Short Declaration of the Mystery of Iniquity, 1612p. 13
The Beginnings of the Particular Baptists and the Birth of Immersion, 1633p. 18
The Bloudy Tennent of Persecution, 1644p. 20
The Whipping of Obadiah Holmes, 1651p. 32
The Power of the Association, 1749p. 36
The Birth of the Charleston Association, 1751p. 39
Birth of the Sandy Creek Baptist Association, 1758p. 41
A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity, 1769p. 43
An Appeal to the Public for Religious Liberty, 1773p. 47
Black Baptistsp. 55
The Rights of Conscience Inalienable, 1791p. 65
An Enquiry, 1792p. 69
The "Wall of Separation"p. 74
Formation of the English Baptist Union, 1813p. 77
Address at the Formation of the Triennial Convention, 1814p. 80
Treatise on Slavery, 1822p. 82
Primitivism and the Antimission Movementp. 87
Report and Warning about Campbellism, 1830p. 95
The Georgia Test Case and the Alabama Resolutionsp. 100
Southern and Northern Perspectives on the 1845 Schismp. 104
Address Explaining Why the Southern Baptist Convention Was Organized, 1845p. 112
Old Landmarkism: What Is It?p. 116
A Letter from Chinap. 124
Another Word Concerning the Down-Gradep. 127
The Baptist World Alliancep. 131
The Kingdom of God, 1917p. 138
Baptists and Religious Liberty, 1920p. 145
The Impact of J. Frank Norris on Baptist Lifep. 153
The Cooperative Program, 1924p. 161
The Trail of Blood, 1931p. 164
The Baptist Way, 1945p. 167
Russian Baptist History from 1929 to 1963, 1967p. 172
Origins of the Conservative Resurgencep. 176
The Resurgence of Calvinismp. 187
Peace Committee Report, 1987p. 198
Doctrinal Statement of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, 1989p. 213
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowshipp. 219
The Baptist Faith and Message, 1925, 1963, 2000p. 229
Subject Indexp. 271
Scripture Indexp. 274
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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