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Ready for RICA A Test Preparation Guide for California's Reading Instruction Competence Assessment

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2016-01-04
  • Publisher: Pearson
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Test-taking strategies and content area reviews for successfully passing California’s Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA).

Thousands of students have used previous editions of James J. Zarrillo’s Ready for RICA to successfully prepare for the RICA. Now the new edition continues to provide test-taking strategies and helpful reviews of all 15 content areas and includes five significant new components: 1) Learning Outcomes in each chapter help readers focus on what they should accomplish by studying that chapter; 2) Chapter Summaries offer Test Taking Tips that re-state essential information and highlight key instructional strategies; 3) a new chapter, Ten Days to RICA, guides readers in what they should study during the last 10 days before they take the test; 4) 13 videos of the author offer insight on the most important information and instructional strategies; and 5) a new Glossary includes a dictionary of 210 reading-related words and phrases. This is the essential guide for all California Multiple Teaching Credential candidates required to take the RICA. The Enhanced Pearson eText features embedded videos.


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Author Biography

Dr. James Zarrillo is Professor Emeritus in the College of Education and Allied Studies (CEAS) at California State University, East Bay. Earlier, Dr. Zarrillo was the Associate Dean of CEAS and Chair of the Department of Teacher Education.  Previously, he was a member of the faculty at California State University, Long Beach and an elementary school teacher in Burbank, California. In addition to Ready for RICA, Dr. Zarrillo is author of Teaching Elementary Social Studies: Principles and Applications (Fourth Edition, Pearson, 2012); Teaching Reading with Children’s Literature (co-authored with Carole Cox, Macmillan, 1993); and Multicultural Literature, Multicultural Teaching (Harcourt Brace, 1994).

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Competency 1 Planning, Organizing, and Managing Reading Instruction 
Chapter 2: Competency 2 Reading Assessment  
Chapter 3: Competency 3 Phonological and Phonemic Awareness  
Chapter 4: Competency 4 Concepts About Print, Letter Recognition, and the Alphabetic Principle  
Chapter 5: Competency 5 Phonics and Sight Words: Terminology and Concepts  
Chapter 6: Competency 6 Phonics and Sight Words: Instruction and Assessment  
Chapter 7: Competency 7 Syllabic Analysis, Structural Analysis, and Orthographic Knowledge  
Chapter 8: Competency 8 Fluency: Role in Reading Development and Factors That Affect the Development of Fluency  
Chapter 9: Competency 9 Fluency: Instruction and Assessment  
Chapter 10: Competency 10 Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge: Role in Reading Development and Factors That Affect Development  
Chapter 11: Competency 11 Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge: Instruction and Assessment 
Chapter 12: Competency 12 Comprehension: Concepts and Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension  
Chapter 13: Competency 13 Comprehension: Instruction and Assessment–Before Children Read, While Children Read, and After Children Read  
Chapter 14: Competency 14 Comprehension: Instruction and Assessment–Understanding and Analyzing Narrative/Literary Texts  
Chapter 15: Competency 15 Comprehension: Instruction and Assessment–Expository/Informational Texts and Study Skills  
Chapter 16: Study Guide: Key Points to Remember  
Chapter 17: The Case Study  
Chapter 18: Working With the Practice Test on the RICA Website  
Chapter 19: Ten Days to RICA

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