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PART 1: How to Write Paragraphs and Essays
1 Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: Making Connections
2 Writing Basics: Audience, Purpose, Form, and Process
3 Finding Your Topic and Writing Your Thesis Statement: Making a Point
4 Supporting Your Point: Finding Details, Examples, and Facts
5 Drafting: The Complete Version
*6 Revising: Seeing a Draft with Fresh Eyes
PART 2: Writing Different Kinds of Paragraphs and Essays
7 Narration: Writing That Tells Important Stories
8 Illustration: Writing That Gives Examples
9 Description: Writing That Creates Pictures in Words
10 Process Analysis: Writing That Explains How Things Happen
11 Classification: Writing That Sorts Things into Groups
12 Definition: Writing That Tells What Something Means
13 Comparison and Contrast: Writing That Shows Similarities and Differences
14 Cause and Effect: Writing That Explains Reasons or Results
15 Argument: Writing That Persuades
PART 3: Four Building Blocks of Effective Sentences
16 The Basic Sentence: An Overview
17 Make Sentences Complete: Avoiding Fragments
18 Join Sentences Accurately: Correcting Run-ons
19 Make Subjects and Verbs Match: Solving Agreement Problems
20 Indicate Time Clearly: Addressing Verb Problem
PART 4: Editing for Clarity, Cohesion, and Conventions
21 Word Choice: Selecting Accurate and Specific Nouns and Verbs
22 Pronouns: Keeping Reference Clear
23 Description: Modifying Nouns and Verbs
24 Balance and Rhythm: Making Sentences Easy to Read
25 Capitalization, Apostrophes, and Spelling
26 Commas
27 Quotation Marks and Italics
28 Other Punctuation
APPENDIX: Citing Research Sources in MLA Style
* = New to this edition
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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.