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Respect for Acting

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2008-07-08
  • Publisher: Wiley
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Respect for Acting "This fascinating and detailed book about acting is Miss Hagen's credo, the accumulated wisdom of her years spent in intimate communion with her art. It is at once the voicing of her exacting standards for herself and those she [taught], and an explanation of the means to the end." --Publishers Weekly "Hagen adds to the large corpus of titles on acting with vivid dicta drawn from experience, skill, and a sense of personal and professional worth. Her principal asset in this treatment is her truly significant imagination. Her 'object exercises' display a wealth of detail with which to stimulate the student preparing a scene for presentation." --Library Journal "Uta Hagen's Respect for Acting . . . is a relatively small book. But within it, Miss Hagen tells the young actor about as much as can be conveyed in print of his craft." --Los Angeles Times "There are almost no American actors uninfluenced by Uta Hagen." --Fritz Weaver "This is a textbook for aspiring actors, but working thespians can profit much by it. Anyone with just a casual interest in the theater should also enjoy its behind-the-scenes flavor." --King Features Syndicate

Author Biography

Uta Hagen was the recipient of innumerable honors and awards during her long career, including the prestigious National Medal of Arts in 2003. She died in 2004 at the age of 84. HASKEL FRANKEL was the drama critic of the National Observer.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. ix
Acknowledgmentsp. xiii
The Actor
Introductionp. 3
Conceptp. 11
Identityp. 22
Substitutionp. 34
Emotional Memoryp. 46
Sense Memoryp. 52
The Five Sensesp. 60
Thinkingp. 65
Walking and Talkingp. 69
Improvisationp. 73
Realityp. 75
The Object Exercises
Introductionp. 81
The Basic Object Exercisep. 91
Three Entrancesp. 95
Immediacyp. 102
The Fourth Wallp. 106
Endowmentp. 112
Talking to Yourselfp. 119
Outdoorsp. 124
Conditioning Forcesp. 129
Historyp. 134
Character Actionp. 139
The Play and the Role
Introductionp. 145
First Contact with the Playp. 147
The Characterp. 152
Circumstancesp. 158
Relationshipp. 165
The Objectivep. 174
The Obstaclep. 180
The Actionp. 184
The Rehearsalp. 192
Practical Problemsp. 201
Communicationp. 213
Stylep. 217
Epiloguep. 222
Indexp. 224
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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