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Rethinking Wesley's Theology for Contemporary Methodism

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1998-05-01
  • Publisher: Kingswood Books

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One of the most surprising developments in contemporary Methodist theology is the degree to which leading Methodist and Wesleyan systematic theologians are reengaging John Wesley, finding his works instructive, provocative, and stimulating for their own theological reflection. Such a broad and purposeful dialogue with Wesley by theologians of the Wesleyan heritage is unprecedented in this century, and much rarer in the previous century than is popularly believed. This volume presents a set of original essays that represent and embody this new engagement allowing the reader to see how several prominent theologians are self-consciously reexamining and reappropriating their theological tradition.

Table of Contents

Foreword: Homage to a Friendp. 9
Introductionp. 13
What Difference Does Knowing Wesley Make?p. 21
John Wesley and Theological Methodp. 35
The Perfection of Prayerp. 49
Transcendence, Justice, and Mercy: Toward a (Wesleyan) Reconceptualization of Godp. 65
Sanctification and Economy: A Wesleyan Perspective on Stewardshipp. 83
Christian Conversion: Connecting Our Lives with Godp. 99
Offering Christ: Wesleyan Evangelism Todayp. 113
Connexion and Koinonia: Wesley's Legacy and the Ecumenical Idealp. 129
Trinity and Covenantal Ministry: A Study of Wesleyan Traditionsp. 143
Can Wesley Be Read in Spanish?p. 161
Wesley in Latin America: A Theological and Historical Reflectionp. 169
John Wesley and Revolution: A South African Perspectivep. 183
Experiencing the Spirit in Wesley and Macariusp. 197
Reclaiming an Inheritance: Wesley as Theologian in the History of Methodist Theologyp. 213
Abbreviationsp. 227
Notesp. 229
Contributorsp. 255
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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