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Book I: Introduction; The First Punic War
Book II: Affairs in Spain; The Romans in Illyria; Affairs in Spain; Rome and the Gauls; Affiars in Spain; Events in Greece: the Achaean League
Book III: Introduction; The Second Punic War; The Second Illyrian War; The Second Punic War; The Second Illyrian War; The Second Punic War
Book IV: Affairs in Greece; Civil War in Cynaetha; Byzantium and the Black Sea
Book V: Affairs in Egypt: The Death of Cleomenes; Affairs in Greece: Philip and the Greeks
Book VI: From the Preface; On the Forms of States; On the Roman Constitution at Its Prime; The Roman Military System; The Roman Republic Compared with Others; Conclusion
Book VII: Affairs in Sicily; Affairs in Greece: The Treaty between Hannibal and Philip of Macedon, The Character of Philip
Book VIII: Affairs in Sicily: The Siege of Syracuse; Affairs in Greece: Philip of Macedon; Macedon; Affairs in Italy: The Siege of Tarentum
Book IX: Introduction; Affairs in Italy: The Seige of Capua; On Generalship; The Character of Hannibal
Book X: The Character of Scipio; Affairs in Spain: The Capture of New Carthage, Scipio and the Spaniards
Book XI: Affairs in Italy: The Battle of the Metaurus; The Character of Hannibal
Book XII: Criticisms of Timaeus and His Approach to History: Errors on the Fauna of Africa and Corsica, Errors Concerning Sicily, Intentional and Unintentional Falsehoods, Timaeus on Callisthenes, Demoshares of Athens, Agathocles of Sicily, Timaeus' Criticisms of Other Writers, Timaeus on the Bull of Phalaris, Timaeus' Methods in Composing Speeches, Comparison of History and Medicine, Timaeus' Lack of Political and Military Experience and Unwillingness to Travel, The Causes of Timaeus' Faults and Qualities of the Good Historian
Book XIV: Affairs in Africa: Scipio's Campaigns
Book XV: Affairs in Africa: The Final Campaign; The End of the Second Punic War; Affaris in Macedonia, Syria and Egypt; Affairs in Egypt: A Palace Revolution
Book XVIII: Affairs in Greece: Flamininus and Philip; On Treachery; On the Phalanx; Affairs in Greece" Flamininus and the Peace Settlement
Book XXIV: Affairs in Greece: Philopoemen and Aristaenus
Book XXXI: Affairs in Rome and Syria: The Escape of Demetrius; Affairs in Italy: Aemilius Paullus, Scipio and Polybius
Book XXXVI: Affairs in Rome and Carthage: The Third Punic War; On Fate and Chance
Book XXXIX: From the Epilogue
Chronological Table
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