Preface | |
Contributors | |
Annelids as Model Systems in Biology | |
Developing Models for Lophotrochozoan and Annelid Biology | |
Introduction | |
Phylogenetic Considerations | |
Genetic and Developmental Tools | |
Annelid Model Organisms | |
Other Potential Annelid Models | |
Annelid Phylogeny-Molecular Analysis with an Emphasis on Model Annelids | |
Introduction | |
Genes | |
Molecular Annelid Phylogeny | |
Choosing Model Organisms | |
Branch Lengths | |
Problems in Inferring Annelid Phylogeny | |
Conclusions | |
Cryptic Speciation in Clitellate Model Organisms | |
Introduction | |
Sources and Kinds of Variation | |
Examples of Clitellate Model Organisms | |
Cryptic Speciation | |
Conclusions and Recommendations | |
Annelid Life Cycle Cultures | |
Introduction | |
Criteria for the Selection of Species | |
Summary of Culture Techniques | |
Life Cycle Cultures of Polychaeta | |
Life Cycle Cultures of Oligochaeta | |
Life Cycle Cultures of Hirudinea (Leeches) | |
Evolution and Development | |
Annelids in Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Dian-Han Kuo) | |
Introduction | |
Evo-Devo Today | |
Evo-Devo as Comparative Biology | |
Why Annelid Development Is Interesting for Metazoan Evo-Devo Biologists | |
Case Study 1: Segmentation | |
Case Study 2: Spiral Cleavage and Axis Specifi cation | |
Tools for Analyzing Molecular Mechanisms of Development | |
The Future of the Annelid Model Systems for Evo-Devo | |
Evolution, Development and Ecology of Capitella | |
sp. I: A Waxing Model for Polychaete Studies | |
Introduction | |
Speciation Studies | |
Capitella | |
Sp. 1 Morphology | |
Replacement of Lost Segments and Reproductive Trade-Offs | |
Metatrochophores, Ciliary Bands and Musculature | |
Gene Expression during the Specifi cation and Differentiation of Germ Layers | |
Sex among the Vermes | |
Annelids and the Segmentation Debate | |
A-P Polarity-Hox and ParaHox | |
Genes | |
Annelid Genomics: Draft Genome Sequence | |
The Future-Where Is This Going? | |
Stem Cell Genesis and Differentiation in Leech | |
Introduction | |
Stem Cell Genesis and Development | |
Factors Affecting Stem Cell Genesis | |
Stem Cell Differentiation | |
Gene Expression | |
Conclusion | |
Neurobiology and Regeneration | |
Cellular and Behavioral Properties of Learning in Leech and Other Annelids | |
Introduction | |
Learning in the Leech Whole-Body Shortening Refl ex and Role of the S Interneuron | |
Role of the S Interneuron: Modulation of Excitability | |
Learning in the Leech Swim Circuit | |
Using the Leech to Study Intrinsic Forms of Sensitization | |
Synaptic Plasticity in Leech CNS | |
Conclusions | |
Development, Regeneration and Immune Responses of the Leech Nervous System | |
Introduction | |
Background | |
Recent Work on the Development of the Nervous System | |
Neuronal Regeneration and Repair | |
Neuroimmune Responses | |
Cellular and Humoral Immune Mechanisms: A Leech Innate Immune Response | |
Conclusions and Future Directions | |
Lumbriculus variegatus and the Need for Speed: A Model System for Rapid Escape, Regeneration and Asexual Reproduction | |
Introduction | |
Neural Regeneration in Oligochaetes | |
Lumbriculus variegatus, a Model System for Regeneration and Asexual Reproduction | |
Neural Morphallaxis | |
Accessible Model for Life Science Education | |
Environmental and Ecological Studies | |
Polychaetes in Environmental Studies | |
Introduction | |
Estuarine Occurrence | |
Intertidal Occurrence | |
Mussel Beds | |
Sea Grasses | |
Sabellarid and Serpulid Reefs | |
Benthic Community Structure | |
Unusual Benthic Habitats | |
Feeding Guilds | |
Algal "Gardening" behavior | |
Polychaetes as Environmental Indicators and Remediators | |
Biomonitoring | |
Toxicological Tests | |
Economic Importance of Polychaetes | |
Conclusions | |
Oligochaete Worms for Ecotoxicological Assessment of Soils and Sediments | |
Introduction | |
Principles of Environmental Risk Assessment | |
Soil Tests with Lumbricidae | |
Soil Tests with Enchytraeidae | |
Sediment Tests with Lumbriculidae and Tubifi cidae | |
Oligochaetes in Ecotoxicology | |
Conclusions | |
Evolution and Ecology of Ophryotrocha | |
Introduction | |
General Morphology | |
Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Considerations | |
Reproductive Biology | |
Ecology | |
Future Research | |
Cosmopolitan Earthworms-A Global and Historical Perspective | |
Introduction | |
Number of Earthworm Species | |
Characteristics and Origins of Cosmopolitan Earthworms | |
Overview of Results | |
Discussion | |
Regional Species Totals and Proportions of Exotics | |
Earthworms, Archaeology and Human History | |
Benefi ts and Risks of Earthworm Transportations | |
Conclusions | |
Extreme Environments and Biological Novelties | |
Hydrothermal Vent Annelids | |
Introduction | |
Alvinella pompejana: a Symbiotic System | |
Temperature Adaptation | |
Temperature Adaptation at a Molecular Level | |
Alvinella | |
Tubes | |
Collagens | |
Temperature Adaptation at a Cellular Level: the Case of Developing Embryos | |
Behavioral Adaptation to a High-Temperature Environment | |
Future Development of Thermal Adaptation Studies | |
Perspectives | |
Glacier Ice Worms | |
Introduction | |
Natural History | |
Classifi cation and Phylogenetic Relationships | |
Origins | |
Clades | |
Physiology | |
Conservation Status | |
Sperm Ultrastructure in Assessing Phylogenetic Relationships among Clitellate Annelids | |
Introduction | |
The Spermatozoon of Propappus volki (Michaelsen 1916) | |
Sperm Ultrastructure in Branchiobdellids, Acanthobdella peledina, and Hirudineans | |
Sperm Ultrastructure inside Tubifi cidae | |
Plesiomorphic Spermatozoon of Clitellates and Spermatological Apomorphic Trends | |
Patterns of Spermatological Characters among Clitellates | |
Clitellate Cocoons and Their Secretion | |
Introduction | |
Reproductive Biology | |
Clitellum and CGCs | |
Cocoon Production | |
Brooding Behavior within Glossiphoniidae | |
Cocoon Structure: Surface Topology and Ultrastructural Properties | |
Evolution of Clitellate Cocoons and Their Secretion | |
Biomaterials Applications | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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