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Schaum's Outline of Business Statistics, Fourth Edition

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-09-15
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill

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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


Confused by business statistics? Problem solved. .Schaum's Outline of Business Statisticshelps you understand basic concepts and offers extra practice on topics you'll encounter in your introductory- and intermediate-level courses. With this book, you'll understand and master the basic methods of statistical description, statistical inference, decision analysis, and process control. You will also learn about frequency distributions, histograms and frequency polygons, frequency curves, sampling distribution of the mean, and more. .

Author Biography

Leonard J. Kazmier (Tempe, AZ) earned his Ph.D. at Ohio State University, and his bachelor's and master's degrees at Wayne State University, Detroit. He is author or coauthor of several books in management concepts, statistical analysis, and computer applications in business. Editions of these books have been translated into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. Professor Kazmier is a charter member of the Decision Sciences Institute, in which he has held several national elective offices. His research interests have included the application of statistical methods for the study of security price changes and securities market volatility. He has taught as a member of the faculty at Wayne State University, the University of Notre Dame, and Arizona State University.


Table of Contents

Schaum's Outline of Business Statistics, 4ed

1. Analyzing Business Data
2. Statistical Presentations and Graphical Displays
3. Describing Business Data: Measures of Location
4. Describing Business Data: Measures of Dispersion
5. Probability
6. Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables: Binomial, Hypergeometric, and Poission
7. Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables: Normal and Exponential
8. Sampling Distributions and Confidence Intervals for the Mean
9. Other Confidence Intervals
10. Testing Hypotheses Concerning the Value of a Population Mean
11. Testing Other Hypotheses
12. The Chi-Square Test for the Analysis of Qualitative Data
13. Analysis of Variance
14. Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis
15. Multiple Regression and Correlation
16. Time Series Analysis and Business Forecasting
17. Nonparametric Statistics
18. Decision Analysis: Payoff Tables and Decision Trees
19. Statistical Process Control

Supplemental Materials

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