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Landforming An Environmental Approach to Hillside Development, Mine Reclamation and Watershed Restoration

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2007-08-07
  • Publisher: Wiley
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This is the first book to present the innovative technique of landform grading and bio-stabilization in a practical, applied text.  Written by a team of authors including a world-recognized instructor on bio-stabilization and slope stability, and an engineer with over 20 years of practical experience implementing landform grading in the real world.

Author Biography

Horst J. Schor is the originator o the Landforming and Revegetation Concept and is Principal of H. J. Schor Consulting. He has developed landform grading designs that have been implemented in a variety of hillside grading and mining reclamation projects for a diverse list of clients. He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dresden University of Technology, Germany, and the University of California, Irvine.

Donald H. Gray, PHD, is Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan. In addition to speaking and teaching internationally, he has coauthored three books on subjects related geotechnical engineering and biotechnical slope protection.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xiii
Introduction to Landform Grading and Revegetationp. 1
Form and Function in Naturep. 1
Human Impact on Landformsp. 3
Historical Developmentp. 5
Objectives and Challengesp. 10
Referencesp. 12
Surficial Erosion and Mass Wasting of Slopesp. 13
Introductionp. 13
Definitionsp. 13
Surficial Erosionp. 13
Mass Wastingp. 14
Salient Characteristics and Differencesp. 14
Nature of Surficial Erosionp. 15
Agents and Types of Erosionp. 15
Mechanics of Erosionp. 16
Principal Determinants of Erosionp. 16
Rainfall Erosionp. 16
Wind Erosionp. 18
Types of Water Erosionp. 18
Soil Loss Predictionsp. 21
Historical Developmentp. 21
Applications of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)p. 22
Limitations of USLEp. 24
Erosion Control Principlesp. 25
Nature of Mass Wastingp. 26
Types of Slope Movementp. 26
Causes of Slope Failurep. 27
Indicators of Slope Instabilityp. 28
Slope Stability Predictionsp. 28
Approaches to Analysisp. 28
Limit-Equilibrium Analysisp. 29
Shear-Strength Parametersp. 31
Translational Slope Failuresp. 32
Control of Mass Wastingp. 35
Slope-Stability and Channel-Erosion Thresholdsp. 36
Significancep. 36
Approachesp. 36
Slope-Stability Thresholdp. 36
Threshold of Erosion by Saturation Overland Flowp. 48
Stability Fields and Threshold Boundariesp. 51
Summaryp. 52
Referencesp. 54
Influence of Vegetation on Hillside Stabilityp. 57
Introductionp. 57
Influence on Surficial Erosionp. 58
Stabilizing Functionsp. 58
Vegetation Cover Factorp. 58
Recommended Vegetationp. 59
Influence on Mass Stabilityp. 60
Hydromechanical Effectsp. 60
Beneficial Effectsp. 60
Detrimental Effectsp. 62
Root Morphology and Strengthp. 63
Introductionp. 63
Depth and Distribution of Root Systemsp. 63
Root Strengthp. 67
Root and Fiber Soil Reinforcementp. 69
Force-Equilibrium Modelsp. 69
In Situ Direct-Shear Testsp. 69
Stability Analysesp. 70
Guidelines for Maximizing Benefits of Vegetationp. 73
General Observationsp. 73
Selection Strategiesp. 73
Placement Strategiesp. 74
Grading and Site Preparationp. 75
Optimizing Compactionp. 78
Management Strategiesp. 85
Summaryp. 88
Referencesp. 89
Influence of Topography on Slope Stability and Hydrologyp. 93
Introductionp. 93
Modeling Approaches and Assumptionsp. 94
Conceptual Modelingp. 95
Generalp. 95
Mass Stabilityp. 96
Surficial Erosionp. 97
Physical-Mathematical Modelsp. 98
Generalp. 98
Mass Stabilityp. 99
Surficial Erosionp. 102
Laboratory and Field Testsp. 107
Generalp. 107
Mass Stabilityp. 107
Surficial Erosionp. 107
Equilibrium Profiles of Natural Slopesp. 110
Summaryp. 112
Role of Drainage Networks and Drainage Densitiesp. 113
Drainage Density and Zero-Order Watershedp. 113
Referencesp. 117
Geomorphic Evolution of Slopesp. 119
Introductionp. 119
Role of Geologic Processesp. 120
Geomorphologyp. 121
Slope Attributes and Characteristicsp. 121
Classification of Slopesp. 121
Slope Profiles and Elementsp. 122
Slope Processesp. 123
Approaches to Slope Evolution Predictionp. 124
Traditional approachp. 124
Morphometric approachp. 125
Process approachp. 125
Empirical approachp. 125
Anthropogenic Slopes and Landformsp. 125
Slope Evolution and Long-Term Stabilityp. 126
Evolution and Morphometry of Spoil Moundsp. 126
Evolution and Morphometry of Natural Slopesp. 127
Effect of Climate on Hillslope Formp. 132
Digital Terrain Modelsp. 134
Salient Characteristics of Digital Terrain Modelsp. 134
Example of a Linked, Digital Terrain Model-SIBERIAp. 136
Applications of Digital Terrain Modellingp. 139
Design of Stable Landformsp. 140
Referencesp. 143
Hillside Grading Fundamentalsp. 146
Introductionp. 146
Purpose of Gradingp. 146
Grading Considerationsp. 147
Major Stakeholdersp. 147
Selection of Grading Equipmentp. 148
Importance of Subsurface Conditionsp. 151
Elements of Hillside Gradingp. 153
Preparatory Operationsp. 153
Clearing and grubbingp. 153
Preapplication of waterp. 153
Removal of deleterious materialsp. 154
Special Conditions and Precautionsp. 155
Groundwater removalp. 155
Surface drainage controlp. 157
Unstable slopes and landslidesp. 158
Faultsp. 161
Volume changesp. 161
Hard, well-indurated rockp. 162
Cuts and Fillsp. 163
Cuts and Cut Slopesp. 166
Cut constructionp. 166
Selective gradingp. 166
Cut slope construction and remediationp. 166
Fillsp. 171
Fill slope constructionp. 171
Deep fillsp. 171
Fill slope remediationp. 171
Erosion Control During Gradingp. 173
Economics of Gradingp. 173
Referencesp. 178
Principles of Landform Gradingp. 179
Introductionp. 179
The Traditional Methodp. 179
Conventional Slopes and Their Design Elementsp. 179
Slope plan and profile shapep. 179
Drainage devicesp. 179
Building Padsp. 180
Landscapingp. 180
Historical Use and Observationsp. 181
The Improved Methodp. 184
Contour Slopes and Their Design Elementsp. 184
Slope plan and profile shapep. 184
Drainage devicesp. 184
Building Padsp. 184
Landscapingp. 185
Historical Use and General Observationsp. 185
The Environmentally Responsive New Techniquep. 186
Landform Slopes and Their Design Elementsp. 186
Slope plan and profile shapep. 186
Drainage devicesp. 186
Plateaus and Building Padsp. 188
Revegetation Landscapingp. 189
Repair and Rejuvenation Techniques for Either Man-Made or Damaged Natural Landscapesp. 192
General Observationsp. 192
Direct Slope Replicationp. 192
Complete or Partial In Situ Landform Restorationp. 193
Creation of New Physiographic Landformsp. 196
Slope-Form Restoration via Landform Gradingp. 196
Landform Restoration after Mass Grading and Finingp. 198
Surface Mining Reclamationp. 199
Impact of Surface Miningp. 199
Importance of Replicating Original Topography and Hydrologyp. 202
Elements of Critical Concernp. 203
Design Alternativesp. 204
The shape of the footprintp. 204
The orientation of the footprintp. 206
Slope profile in cross sectionp. 206
The slope in frontal and plan viewp. 207
Revegetation and reforestationp. 209
Summary and Conclusionsp. 210
Referencesp. 210
Essential Design Elements for Slope Forms and Landformsp. 211
Introductionp. 211
Natural Landscape Elementsp. 211
Origin of Natural Slope Formsp. 211
Natural Drainage Formsp. 213
Natural Vegetation Patternsp. 213
Basic Slope Forms-"The Architecture of Slopes"p. 214
General Observationsp. 214
Ridges and Swales-Perpendicular to the Slope Crestp. 214
Ridges and Swales-Diagonally across the Slope Facep. 215
Ridges and Swales-Curvilinear across the Slope Facep. 218
Elbow Shapes across the Slope Facep. 218
Pyramid- and Cone-Shaped Slope-Face Elementsp. 218
Wishbone Configurationsp. 218
Convex Ridges and Concave-Foot Slopesp. 220
Compound and Composite Shapesp. 220
Degree of roundness or angularityp. 222
Widthp. 223
Heightp. 223
Proportionp. 223
The Rock Element as Part of the Natural Landscapep. 224
Referencep. 224
Implementation of the Landform Grading Planp. 225
Requirements for Successful Implementationp. 225
Obstacles to Implementationp. 225
Implementation Strategiesp. 226
Land Planning and Initial Site Designp. 226
Meetings with Regulatory Agencyp. 226
Allaying Engineering Concernsp. 227
Geotechnical Engineeringp. 228
Introduction of Concept to Grading Designersp. 228
Planning and Surveying Requirementsp. 229
Planning Requirementsp. 229
Surveying Requirementsp. 229
The Grading Phasep. 231
Retraining of Grading Personnelp. 231
Ground Preparationp. 233
Slope Constructionp. 233
Fill Construction and Compaction Controlp. 233
Construction of Valley or "Daylight" Fillsp. 233
Slope-Drainage Devicesp. 234
Terrace Drainsp. 234
Down-Drainsp. 235
Interceptor Drainsp. 236
Toe Drainsp. 237
Hardened Drain Limitationsp. 237
Revegetationp. 238
Conventional Landscaping vs. Revegetationp. 238
Landform Revegetationp. 238
The Application of Water on the Slope Face through Irrigationp. 241
High-Pressure Spray Methodp. 241
Low-Pressure Spray Methodp. 241
Placement of Rocks and Bouldersp. 241
Cost Considerations and Analysesp. 245
Land-Planning Costsp. 245
Design Engineering Costsp. 245
Surveying Costsp. 245
Landscape Architect Costsp. 247
Construction and Grading Costsp. 247
Public and Regulatory Response to Landform Gradingp. 249
Introductionp. 249
The Development Processp. 249
Overall Governing Agency or Authorityp. 249
The Land-Planner's Perspectivep. 249
The Civil Engineer's Perspectivep. 250
Regulatory Agencies' Perspectivesp. 250
Owners' and Developers' Perspectivesp. 251
Interdisciplinary Team Approachesp. 251
Standards and Codesp. 252
Difficulties with Promulgationp. 252
"Prescriptive" vs. "Performance" Standardsp. 253
Project-Approval Benefits of Landform Gradingp. 253
Agencies that have Adopted or Implemented Landform Gradingp. 254
Future Applications of Landform Gradingp. 262
Referencesp. 264
Landforming Projects-Watershed Restoration and Mining Reclamationp. 265
Introductionp. 265
School Girl's Glenp. 265
Project Typep. 265
Project Locationp. 266
Client and Project Ownerp. 266
Site Conditions and Problemsp. 266
Repair and Restoration Goalsp. 267
Treatment Considerationsp. 267
Selected Treatmentsp. 269
Performance Evaluationp. 272
Referencesp. 274
Asaayi Lake Northwest Drainage-Landform Restorationp. 274
Type of Projectp. 274
Locationp. 274
Clientp. 275
Repair and Restoration Goalsp. 275
Site Conditions and Problemsp. 275
Treatment Considerationsp. 276
Selected Treatmentp. 277
Initial design conceptp. 278
Final design configurationp. 279
Performance Evaluationp. 282
Postscriptp. 285
Referencesp. 285
Oil Sands Mining Reclamation, Syncrude Canadap. 286
Project Typep. 286
Project Locationp. 286
Clientp. 286
Site Historyp. 286
Site Conditions and Potential Problemsp. 286
Repair and Restoration Goalsp. 290
Treatment Considerationsp. 290
Selected Demonstrations and Treatmentsp. 291
Project no. 1-Landform demonstration site no. 1p. 291
Project no. 2-Reconfiguration of an existing tailings dump through landform gradingp. 294
Project no. 3-"Delandform grading"p. 295
Performance Evaluationp. 297
Postscriptp. 298
Landforming Projects-Hillside Developments and Mass-Grading Applicationsp. 299
Introductionp. 299
Hollywood Hills Projectp. 299
Type of Projectp. 299
Locationp. 299
Clientsp. 300
Projects Historyp. 300
Earthwork Disposal and Placement Considerationsp. 301
Environmental Mitigation Design Considerationsp. 302
Alternative Grading Studiesp. 303
Common Design Characteristics of Disposal Fillsp. 303
Final Design Configurations and Locationsp. 304
Fill Fp. 304
Fill Bp. 310
Fill Cp. 312
Fill Ap. 314
Post-Construction Evaluation and Observationsp. 319
Anaheim Hills, Californiap. 322
Type of Projectp. 322
Locationp. 323
Clientsp. 323
Jurisdictional Issuesp. 323
Site Conditions and Development Constraintsp. 323
Initial Development Plan-Community Objectionsp. 324
Adopted Plan-Landform Grading Alternativep. 325
Highlights and Features of Landform Grading Planp. 325
Performance Evaluationp. 327
Talega, Californiap. 332
Type of Projectp. 332
Locationp. 332
Clientp. 332
Jurisdictional Issuesp. 332
Public and Regulatory Agency Responsesp. 333
City of San Clemente's responsep. 333
The County of Orange's Positionp. 335
Final resolution and agreement among stakeholdersp. 335
Highlights and Features of Projectp. 336
Conclusionsp. 339
Operational findingsp. 339
Economic considerationsp. 339
Appendixp. 343
Indexp. 347
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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