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CRM at the Speed of Light, Fourth Edition Social CRM 2.0 Strategies, Tools, and Techniques for Engaging Your Customers

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2009-12-09
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
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The first portable trauma care reference for nurses 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This book covers trauma assessment and injuries in depth, empowering trauma nurses to provide the highest quality care....Based on over 26 years of trauma nursing experience, the author writes a book for other trauma nurses that will sharpen their assessment skills as well as their delivery of care to trauma patients....This insightful book is extremely easy to navigate from and a valuable resource for trauma nurses."--"Doody's Review Service" "Nurse to Nurse: Trauma Care" is the only portable and comprehensive quick-reference manual for the trauma nurse. Written by a nurse with more than two decades of clinical and management experience in trauma care, the book distills essential information into rapidly-accessible clinical directions through the use of algorithms, tables, boxes, clinical pearls, and nursing alerts.

Author Biography

Paul Greenberg is President of The 56 Group, LLC, and one of the world's leading authorities on CRM.


Table of Contents

Forewordp. xi
Acknowledgmentsp. xv
Introductionp. xvii
The Era of the Social Customerp. 1
OMG! Your Customer Really Is Your BFF!p. 1
Bursting the New Mythology: Zeus Drops to Earthp. 1
How the Book Is Organizedp. 3
Starting with a Testp. 6
Welcome to the Era of the Social Customerp. 8
What's a Customer Ecosystem?p. 10
The Social Customer Needs Your Attention to Get Theirsp. 18
CRM, CMR, VRM oràWho Cares?p. 29
"Traditional" CRMp. 30
From CRM to CMRp. 32
Social CRMp. 34
Social CRM Technology: Features, Functions, Characteristicsp. 37
The Social Stackp. 41
Social CRM and VRMp. 45
Vendor Relationship Management (VRM)p. 46
Now Do You See CRM, Social CRM, and VRM?p. 53
The Customer Owns the Experiencep. 55
The Transition from Management to Engagement Through Experiencep. 58
Superstah! Response Tekp. 75
A Guiding Principle for Crafting Experiencesp. 78
Enterprise 2.0: Not Exactly What You Thinkp. 83
Defining Enterprise 2.0p. 83
Enterprise 2.0: Here's Why You Need Itp. 85
What This Means for CRMp. 93
A Company Like Me; New Business Models = Customer Lovep. 97
Why? Because We Like You and Trust Youp. 98
The New Business Models Unveiledp. 105
Another Model Worth Getting Behindp. 115
So Happy Together: Collaborating with Your Customersp. 121
Do You Have The Ring? Tools For Customer Engagementp. 121
The Value of Social Media in CRMp. 121
Social Mediap. 123
Superstah! Lotus Connectionsp. 140
Love Your Customers Publicly: Blogs and Podcastsp. 149
The Blogospherep. 149
How Do You Measure a Blog?p. 161
Microblogging and More: Tweeting on Twitterp. 162
Superstah! Six Apartp. 166
Podcasting: A Brief Lookp. 170
Wikis Are A Weird Name For Collaboration, N'est Çe Pas?p. 175
Crowdsourcingp. 176
Superstah! Socialtextp. 189
Wiki Wrap-Upp. 194
Social Networks, User Communities: Who Loves Ya, Baby?p. 197
The Conversation Can't Be Avoidedp. 198
Social Network Styles: What Models Can You Choose From?p. 200
Managing the Communityp. 215
The IT Landscapep. 222
The Vendor Picturep. 226
Superstah! Neighborhood Americap. 228
Movin' And Groovin': The Use Of Mobile Devicesp. 235
A Needy Marketp. 236
Why the Growth?p. 237
What's It Look Like? Mobile Technologyp. 239
Considerations in Mobile Enterprise Planningp. 241
Untethered Benefitsp. 242
The Future: Social CRM Gets Down and Wirelessp. 244
Superstah! Research in Motion, SAP, and CRM 2007 for the BlackBerryp. 248
Baby Stays, Bathwater Goes-CRM Still Needs the Operationalp. 253
The Collaborative Value Chainp. 253
Transparencyp. 254
The Systemsp. 255
Back and Front Office Integration: Bad Story, Good Storyp. 257
Integrating the Back with the Front-Still Not Too Shabbyp. 260
A Mini-Conferencep. 266
Now Meet the Customer: The Collaborative Value Chainp. 271
Ecosystems Begin to Rulep. 274
Building the Collaborative Value Chainp. 276
Superstah! SAPp. 279
Sales And Marketing: The Customer Is the Right Subjectp. 283
Sales and Marketing Are Now Integrated, Aren't They?p. 283
Sales 2.0: Customer Expectations Have Changedp. 286
Leads and Opportunities: The Feeling Is Mutualp. 290
Special Circumstances Include the New Normp. 291
Handling Opportunities Better and Way Coolerp. 298
Superstah! Oracle Social CRMp. 300
Sales Intelligence: Mo' Better, Richer, Deeperp. 304
The Sales 2.0 Value Propositionp. 309
Marketing, uh, 2.0: New Mindset, New Toolsp. 310
Listen Up! The New Competition Is Attentionp. 310
Getting on the Cluetrain Manifestop. 315
Authenticity Trumps Consistencyp. 317
The Marketing Model: Old vs. Newp. 318
Social Media and Marketing: More than Just du Jourp. 322
CRM Vendors Have a Problem Here: Poor Apps, but Improvingp. 330
Customer Service Is Our Name-And Our Gamep. 343
Customer Complaints Go Viral-and You Love Itp. 344
The Definition of Customer Servicep. 345
Building a New Customer Service Modelp. 350
Technology Finds 21st Century Customer Servicep. 366
Superstah! RightNow: Building Beyond the Traditionalp. 367
Superstah! Helpstream: Community-Driven Customer Servicep. 371
Closing It Outp. 375
The Difference: CRM, the Public Sector, and Politicsp. 381
From 2004 to Now-Wow, What a Differencep. 383
In Re: Engagement by the Administrationp. 388
The Case of Singapore: Social CRM in Actionp. 391
Politics No Longer Poker-Bluffing Don't Woikp. 398
The Technology Champsp. 403
Superstah! Blue State Digitalp. 409
SOA for Poetsp. 417
Evaluating Architecturep. 417
The Architecturesp. 420
Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecturep. 420
Superstah!p. 429
REST/WOAp. 429
Superstah! Sage Softwarep. 432
At Home or in the Clouds-And In Open Spaces Betweenp. 437
On-Premisep. 438
On-Demandp. 441
The Playersp. 448
Superstah! NetSuitep. 448
Choosing SaaS vs. On-Premise: Comparative Checklistp. 451
Open Source: Not Quite Any of Themp. 451
Superstah! SugarCRMp. 458
Cloud Computing: Wispy or Real?p. 461
Big Picture, Big Strategiesp. 473
Introducing Strategyp. 474
A Case Studyp. 494
Mapping the Customer Experiencep. 503
The Benefits of Your Customer's Lovely Experiencep. 505
Why Customer Experience Mapping?p. 505
Process and Data Go Together Like...CRM Operationsp. 519
Not Just Your Transaction's Data Anymorep. 520
It's the Process, Manp. 534
Superstah! Process-Driven CRM: Sword Ciboodlep. 542
Value Given, Value Received: Analyzing the Return on CRMp. 549
Analytics: Figuring Out Whassupp. 549
What Are Analytics?p. 550
A Very Brief Primer on Analyticsp. 552
Analytics in Service of Insight = Loyalty, Advocacyp. 565
Measuring the Social Customer's Valuep. 572
Superstah! SAS and Customer Experience Analyticsp. 580
When You Buy the Application, You Buy the Vendor, Though You Don't Implement Himp. 587
Despite Your Wishes, the Vendor Mattersp. 588
Moving Forward: The Implementation Beginsp. 601
Executing Perfectly: BigMachines Does IT Rightp. 602
Closing Up for the Nightp. 610
Waving to the Futurep. 613
Now It's My Turn to Be a Fortuneteller, Err, Forecasterp. 618
In (Dim) Sump. 627
Appendix: The Social Web and the Public Sector: From the World to the Statep. 631
Customer Relationship Management or Citizen Relationship Empowerment?p. 632
The Critical Importance of Web 2.0 for the Public Sectorp. 633
The Core Problems Facing Public Safety Todayp. 636
Breaking Down the Barriersp. 639
A Real World Case Study: Virtual Alabamap. 640
Change Is Comingp. 646
Indexp. 649
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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