Keynote Session I | |
Innovative smart micro sensors for Army weaponry applications | |
Nano and Micro Devices for Biosensing I | |
Development of an IrO[subscript x] micro pH sensor array on flexible polymer substrate | |
Fabrication of flexible and disposable carbon paste-based electrodes and their electrochemical sensing | |
Keynote Session Ii | |
Nanoscale materials for engineering and medicine | |
Nanowire, Nanotubes, and Nanostructures | |
Current transport modeling in carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNT-FETs) and biosensing applications | |
Micro/Nano Devices and MEMS | |
Conductive nanoparticles in electro activated shape memory polymer sensor and actuator | |
Schottky diode made on cellulose paper with PEDOT:PSS and pentacene | |
Pre- and post-machining and release residual stresses in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) | |
Micro-contact printing method for metal micro-patterning with PUA | |
Study on shape recovery speed of SMP, SMP composite, and SMP foam | |
Nano and Micro Devices for Biosensing II | |
Synthesis of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes, magnetic nanotubes, and magnetic CNTs for cellular growth and detection | |
Nano Biosensors | |
Feasibility of e-paper made with cellulose | |
Development of potassium ion sensors using polypyrrole electrodes on a polylmide substrate | |
Ion-sensitive field effect transistors for pH and potassium ion concentration sensing: towards detection of myocardial ischemia | |
Carbon nanotube strain sensors for wearable patient monitoring applications | |
Systems Application | |
Development of a high performance peristaltic micropump | |
Study on microwave power via rectenna for airship applications | |
Millimeter identification: concept, applications, and demonstrations | |
MEMS-based liquid lens for capsule endoscope | |
2-D fiberoptic scanning microdisplay system | |
Growth of CNT array for physiological monitoring applications | |
Low noise multi-channel biopotential wireless data acquisition system for dry electrodes | |
Poster Session | |
Microwave applications of carbon nanotubes: nano-antennas and nano-switches | |
A low-frequency vibration-to-electrical energy harvester | |
Author Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved. |
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