Karen A. Ritzenhoff is a professor of Communication at Central Connecticut State University and a member of the Program for Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. She teaches courses on women and film, mass media, film history, visual communication, American cinema and television production. She is coeditor of Sex and Sexuality in a Feminist World (2009) as well as coeditor of Leiden, Trauma, Folter: Bildkulturen des Irakkriegs,' Augenblick: Marburger Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft (2011), a special issue of the Marburg Journal of Media Studies. Karen Randell is a professor of Film and Culture at Southampton Solent University. Her research interests are in film, gender, trauma and war. She is coeditor of Screen Methods: Comparative Readings in Film Studies (2006), The War Body on Screen (2008) and Reframing 9/11: Film, Popular Culture and the 'War on Terror' (2010).
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