Widowed dad of twin teens, Simon Ignatius Nesbitt counts his blessings with love for family. An only child, he has great parents, loyal friends, devoted domestic employees, and wonderful pets. When a fatal accident occurs in his home, events whirl out of control. Even his position as Nesbitt Holdings CEO cannot change some issues.
Protective of his children, Simon hesitates to date, yet yearns in secret to fall in love again. His friends enjoy diverse sexual lifestyles. Even his parents, Virginia and Quinn, still madly in love, demonstrate their affection in public.
Part Two swells in scale and intrigue into Historical fiction with a return to the post-Civil War era. Virginia's relatives witness a shocking event at the Ford theatre in Washington. During that time, in the fictional lakeside town of Naples, west of Toronto, Canada, Black members of the community are impacted.
Part Three returns to modern Naples. Virginia explores Ancestry sites. She discovers compelling knowledge about her family tree. Everyone gains startling information. The Nesbitt's assume a new view of their world.
Secrets revealed at last. And then some.