Sell Textbooks Online

Get the most cash when you sell back textbooks to eCampus!

Get more money in your pocket with our competitive pricing on textbook buybacks.

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Rent More, Save More! Use code: ECRENTAL

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Rent More, Save More! Use code: ECRENTAL

5% off 1 book, 7% off 2 books, 10% off 3+ books

How Does It Work?

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1. Get Quote

Select & Ship Books

2. Ship Books

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3. Get Paid

Sell on our Marketplace

  • No Hidden Costs or Annual Fees
  • Easy Payments made via ACH
  • Dedicated Marketplace Support
  • Volume Seller Friendly

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Benefits of Selling Textbooks

  • Shipping is always free.
  • It's easy! Just print your label & send us your books.
  • Get paid by PayPal, check, direct deposit or in-store credit.
  • Choose in-store credit for a bonus.
5 stars rating

"Selling my book back at the end of the semester was really easy. I chose in-store credit because it paid out the most money. Would Recommend." - Matt F.

Why Sell Textbooks Online

  1. Instant quotes on a huge selection of ISBNs
  2. Get more than what your university bookstore is offering.
  3. Get even more with in-store credit.
  4. Always Free & Easy Shipping
    1. Print the label.
    2. Find a box (a cereal box will do).
    3. Send us your books
  5. Get paid by PayPal, Direct Deposit, Check, or In-Store Credit (for the best deal).

How Do I Sell Used Textbooks?

Got textbooks to sell? Follow these 4 steps:

  1. Get a quote for your books by performing an ISBN lookup via the search bar above. You can enter multiple ISBNs using a comma to separate them.
  2. Choose your method of payment. (PayPal, Direct Deposit, Check, In-Store Credit)
  3. Ship your books to us for free.
  4. Enjoy getting paid!

What Books Can be Sold

  • Textbooks
  • Novels
  • Biographies
  • Non-Fiction
  • Almost Anything Else on Your Bookshelf

Become a Marketplace Seller

Do you have a lot of books to purge? Then you may want to become one of our thousands of marketplace sellers and offer your books directly to other students. This will allow you to list your items directly on our site for all our customers to see. eCampus only claims a 15% commission on the sale and lets you keep the rest. We also provide a shipping credit to help cover the cost of shipping the order. We handle all payment processing and will send you an email when your book is sold. All you need to do is ship the item & provide tracking information.

Other benefits include:

  • No Hidden Costs or Annual Fees
  • Easy ACH Payments
  • Dedicated Marketplace Support
  • Volume Seller Friendly

Learn More | Sign Up to Become a Marketplace Seller

Tips for Selling Textbooks

  • Be sure to check all your books for cash value. You might be surprised how much they're worth!
  • Avoid excessive marking & highlighting.
  • Sell as early as possible (like right after your class ends or you are finished with the book). This reduces the chances of new editions being released.
  • Make sure the spine, cover, and all pages are intact.
  • Package carefully when shipping.

What Else You Should Know about Textbook Buybacks

  • You must create an account to sell your books.
  • We will provide shipping updates along the way.
  • We recommend that you use our shipping label. If not, you will be responsible for tracking & insuring the shipment.
  • Payments may take 3-5 weeks from the time the item is received.
  • There is a small fee to receive payments via check.