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Sense and Sensibility: A Norton Critical Edition

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2001-10-30
  • Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

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The text is that of the 1813 SecondEdition (the origins of which can be traced back to 1795). The text isfully annotated and is accompanied by a map of nineteenth-centuryEngland. "Contexts" explores the personal and social issues that loom large inAusten's novel: sense, sensibility, self-control, judgment, romanticattachments, family, and inheritance. Included are writings by AdamSmith, Samuel Johnson, Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, Mary Wollstonecraft,Hannah Moore, and Maria Edgeworth. "Criticism" collects six early and twelve modern assessments of thenovel. Contributors include Alice Meynell, Reginald Farrer, Jan Fergus,Raymond Williams, Marilyn Butler, Mary Povey, Claudia L. Johnson, GeneRuoff, Patricia Meyer Spacks, Isobel Armstrong, Mary Favret, DeidreShauna Lynch, Eve Sedgwick, and Deborah Kaplan. A Chronology and a Selected Bibliography are included.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. vii
Introductionp. ix
The Text of Sense and Sensibility
MAP: England in the 19th Centuryp. 2
Facsimile Title Page of the 2nd Edition (1813)p. 3
Sense and Sensibilityp. 5
From Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759)p. 273
Rambler No. 32 (1750)p. 275
Idler No. 72 (1759)p. 279
From Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)p. 281
From Rights of Man (1791)p. 283
From A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)p. 284
From Sensibility: An Epistle to the Honourable Mrs. Boscawen (1782)p. 291
From Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education (1799)p. 296
The Enthusiasm of Sentiment; a Fragment (1798)p. 299
From Mademoiselle Panache (1796)p. 300
From Belinda (1801)p. 306
Early Views
From Unsigned Review (February 1812)p. 313
Unsigned Review (May 1812)p. 315
From British Novelists (1860)p. 316
From Miss Austen (1866)p. 317
From The Classic Novelist (1894)p. 320
From Jane Austen (1917)p. 322
Modern Views
First Publication: Thomas Egerton, Sense and Sensibility, and Pride and Prejudicep. 325
Sensibilityp. 333
Sensibility and the Worship of Selfp. 336
Ideological Contradictions and the Consolations of Form: Sense and Sensibilityp. 338
Sense and Sensibility: Opinions Too Common and Too Dangerousp. 344
Willsp. 348
The Novel's Wisdom: Sense and Sensibilityp. 359
Taste: Gourmets and Asceticsp. 363
Sense and Sensibility: The Letter, Post Factump. 373
The Personal and the Pro Formap. 382
Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girlp. 391
Mass Marketing Jane Austen: Men, Women, and Courtship in Two Film Adaptationsp. 402
Jane Austen: A Chronologyp. 411
Selected Bibliographyp. 413
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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