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Background | |
Complex Numbers | |
Sinusoids | |
Sketching Signals | |
Cramer''s Rule | |
Partial Fraction Expansion | |
Vectors and Matrices | |
Miscellaneous | |
Introduction to Signals and Systems | |
Size of a Signal | |
Classification of Signals | |
Some Useful Signal Operations | |
Some Useful Signal Models | |
Even and Odd Functions | |
Systems | |
Classification of Systems | |
System Model: Input-Output Description | |
Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems | |
Introduction | |
System Response to Internal Conditions: Zero-Input Response | |
The Unit Impulse Response h(t) | |
System Response to External Input: Zero-State Response | |
Classical Solution of Differential Equations | |
System Stability | |
Intuitive Insights into System Behavior | |
Appendix 2.1: Determining the Impulse Response | |
Signal Representation by Fourier Series | |
Signals and Vectors | |
Signal Comparison: Correlation | |
Signal Representation by Orthogonal Signal Set | |
Trigonometric Fourier Series | |
Exponential Fourier Series | |
Numerical Computation of Dn | |
LTIC System response to Periodic Inputs | |
Appendix | |
Continuous-Time Signal Analysis: The Fourier Transform | |
Aperiodic Signal Representation by Fourier Integral | |
Transform of Some Useful Functions | |
Some Properties of the Fourier Transform | |
Signal Transmission through LTIC Systems | |
Ideal and Practical Filters | |
Signal Energy | |
Application to Communications: Amplitude Modulation | |
Angle Modulation | |
Data Truncation: Window Functions | |
Sampling | |
The Sampling Theorem | |
Numerical Computation of Fourier Transform: The Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) | |
The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) | |
Appendix 5.1 | |
Continuous-Time System Analysis Using the Laplace Transform | |
The Laplace Transform | |
Some Properties of the Laplace Transform | |
Solution of Differential and Integro-Differential Equations | |
Analysis of Electrical Networks: The Transformed Network | |
Block Diagrams | |
System Realization | |
Application to Feedback and Controls | |
The Bilateral Laplace Transform | |
Appendix 6.1: Second Canonical Realization | |
Frequency Response and Analog Filters | |
Frequency Response of an LTIC System | |
Bode Plots | |
Control System Design Using Frequency Response | |
Filter Design by Placement of Poles and Zeros of H(s) | |
Butterworth Filters | |
Chebyshev Filters | |
Frequency Transformations | |
Filters to Satisfy Distortionless Transmission Conditions | |
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems | |
Introduction | |
Some Useful Discrete-Time Signal Models | |
Sampling Continuous-Time Sinusoids and Aliasing | |
Useful Signal Operations | |
Examples of Discrete-Time Systems | |
Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems | |
Discrete-Time System Equations | |
System Response to Internal Conditions: Zero-Input Response | |
Unit Impulse Response h[k] | |
System Response to External Input: Zero-State Response | |
Classical Solution of Linear Difference Equations | |
System Stability | |
Appendix 9.1: Determining Impulse Response | |
Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals | |
Periodic Signal Representation by Discrete-Time Fourier Series | |
Aperiodic Signal Representation by Fourier Integral | |
Properties of DTFT | |
DTFT Connection with the Continuous-Time Fourier Transform | |
Discrete-Time Linear System Analysis by DTFT | |
Signal Processing Using DFT and FFT | |
Generalization of DTFT to the Z-Transform | |
Discrete-Time System Analysis Using the Z-Transform | |
The Z-Transform | |
Some Properties of the Z-Transform | |
Z-Transform Solution of Linear Difference Equations | |
System Realization | |
Connection Between the Laplace and the Z-Transform | |
Sampled-Data (Hybrid) Systems | |
The Bilateral Z-Transform | |
Frequency Response and Digital Filters | |
Frequency Response of Discrete-Time Systems | |
Frequency Response From Pole-Zero Location | |
Digi | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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