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Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the End of the World : A Biblical Examination of Future Events in the Last Days

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-09-03
  • Publisher: Author Solutions

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Supplemental Materials

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One of the most interesting topics in the Bible is the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ. God has not left us in the dark concerning the details of Christ's future coming, but has given us several clear prophetic signs to watch for. Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the End of the World looks at key events the Bible says will lead to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus at the end of the age. If you ever wondered why the world is the way it is, and where it is headed, then you need to read this book! Whether you are a Christian or not, this revealing work will give you the vital information you need to prepare for what may come in the near future, and for eternity itself. (this book gives much historical information, compares worldviews, and provides several charts for a better understanding of historical developments).

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