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Skip·Beat!, Vol. 46

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-04-05
  • Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
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When Kyoko’s heart is broken, she decides that revenge is a dish best served in the spotlight!

Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to Tokyo to support him while he made it big as an idol. But he’s casting her out now that he’s famous! Kyoko won’t suffer in silence—she’s going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz!

Ren Tsuruga loves Kyoko Mogami! It would be the news of the century, but they have to keep it quiet to protect their privacy and their careers. While the happy couple is content to focus on their professional goals for the time being, Ren’s legion of fans won’t rest until they know what’s going on with their fave. Are any secrets safe from these internet detectives?!

Author Biography

Yoshiki Nakamura is originally from Tokushima Prefecture. She started drawing manga in elementary school, which eventually led to her 1993 debut of Yume de Au yori Suteki (Better than Seeing in a Dream) in Hana to Yume magazine. Her other works include the basketball series Saint Love, MVP wa Yuzurenai (Can't Give Up MVP), Blue Wars and Tokyo Crazy Paradise, a series about a female bodyguard in 2020 Tokyo.

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